Getting Comfortable In A New Relationship

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Ai Hoshino:
It would take a while for Ai to adjust to the new relationship. She seems confident but when it comes to love and affection it's like an unexplored place to her. She might have experiences from her past relationship with Hikaru Kamiki- however, their relationship didn't last long and it didn't give her enough time to gain experience. She wasn't able to fully open herself towards him so she might be scared to show you her true personality, her so-called "dark" side. She fears scaring you away with how she truly feels toward other people. What she truly needs is reassurance and she will open up to you not very soon but for sure.

Ruby Hoshino:
She never got to experience relationships since she didn't get to live her past life through the age of 12. She would often romanticize relationships and have an ideal image of what a relationship could look like. However, she's very open-minded to new ideas and experiences. You wanna go bowling? Sure! You wanna stay in bed and cuddle? That's also fine! She's fine with whatever you feel is right. The only con in starting a relationship with her is when her imagination doesn't get fulfilled, that your relationship might look different from what she'd imagine. To get comfortable in a new relationship she has to accept that reality is different from her imagination.

Aqua Hoshino:
Dating? What is he supposed to do with that? What is the purpose of dating anyways? That's what Aqua would think if he hadn't met you. He's a logical strategist who looks at the bigger picture. Since he already has experiences from his past life he would be very calculating about entering a new relationship. Is it useful? Does it make sense for him to be in one at this point? You have to teach him that not everything has to be explained with logic. Emotions are irrational. Aqua has good social skills from acting but you notice that he's very awkward and doesn't know what to do with his emotions. Show him that his emotions are also important and he'd get comfortable with you over time.

Kana Arima:
Well, that's critical. Wouldn't it be a scandal for an actress/idol to be in a relationship? Then again she can't just reject her own emotions and move on like she hadn't felt all these emotions towards you. Similar to Aqua she would be very calculating but rather about the relation between her work and private life. You have to promise to her that the relationship won't be exposed and she'd accept it with open arms. What about her emotions though? How does she feel about it? She would feel excited but there's an unhinged fear of messing it up. She would try to cover up everything she lacks to make herself the perfect girlfriend to you. She fears losing you due to her potential lack of personality and talent. Reassure her it's okay to be herself and to have shortcomings.

Akane Kurokawa:
Poor Akane doesn't know what to do. She doesn't know how to act around you. At first, she'd try to act on multiple personalities to see which one you like most. Your favorite idol was Ai Hoshino? She would switch her personality to act just like her. Her vibe would change according to what she perceives of your likes and dislikes. You don't like insecure girls? She'd act like the most confident person on the planet. Akane went through a lot of backlashes and hate for accidentally hurting Sumi on camera. She bears a lot of fear of messing the relationship up with one small mistake. She strives for security and stability so make sure you let her know that you'd always be there for her even when she makes small mistakes.

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