Oneshot: Akane x Male Reader - The Secret Admirer

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Requested by Gh0st16


You reclined against the riverbank, basking in the warmth of the sun during your school lunch break. It had been a grueling day, and this brief respite was a welcome escape. As you took a sip of your drink, you gazed up at the sky, feeling a sense of peace wash over you.

But the tranquility was soon disrupted by an intrusive voice that reached your ears. You turned your head to see three girls huddled together, engaged in a spirited conversation just a short distance away.

"Hey, did you hear about what Akane did?" one of them exclaimed, her tone dripping with gossip.

"Oh my gosh, yes! How could she scratch her face like that?" another chimed in, their voices filled with judgment and speculation.

Your brow furrowed as you involuntarily became the unwilling eavesdropper. The subject of their chatter was none other than Akane Kurokawa, the object of your long-standing crush. You had been discreetly observing her as she embarked on a reality show adventure, one that featured two other girls and three guys. Lately, you'd noticed her efforts to stand out from the rest, often approaching one of the male contestants with a provocative demeanor. Unfortunately, her attempts had backfired, leading to an unfortunate accident where Akane had accidentally scratched the face of the other girl, causing a visible wound.

Lost in thought, you were suddenly jolted back to reality when you caught sight of Akane. Her turquoise hair, usually vibrant and eye-catching, now hung limp as she made her way out of the school premises. Her head was bowed low, attempting to conceal her face, and it was evident that she was not in a good state of mind.

Concern filled your gaze as you watched her fragile figure shuffle towards the school gate. Despite your innate shyness, a wave of determination washed over you. You couldn't stand idly by, not when she seemed so distraught.

"Akane!" you called out, your voice carrying your worry and care for her.

Akane halted in her tracks, her dull eyes meeting yours as you stood in front of her, determined to offer your support. There was a heavy silence in the air as you mustered the courage to voice your concern.

"Akane..." you began, your voice laced with genuine worry, "are you okay?"

The seconds seemed to stretch as you awaited her response. Then, to your surprise, Akane let out a bitter, scoffing laugh. Her response was nothing like you had anticipated.

"Why? Did you lose a bet against the guys to approach me at this point?" she retorted, her words stinging like a slap in the face. You felt your heart sink as the misunderstanding became painfully clear. It had taken an extraordinary circumstance for you to finally speak to her, and now she believed your intentions were insincere.

"No, that's not..." you stammered, your voice trailing off as you struggled to find the right words. Before you could clarify your true feelings and intentions, Akane pushed you away with an angry, forceful motion.

"Don't ever come near me again!" she shouted, her voice filled with anger and hurt.

Your heart ached as you watched her storm away, the distance between you growing with each step she took. You had hoped to be a source of comfort and support for Akane, but now it seemed that your chances had slipped through your fingers, leaving you with a profound sense of regret and sadness.


You stood there, grappling with your emotions after Akane's harsh words. While her comments had stung, you couldn't shake the genuine concern you held for her. You knew that her reaction was fueled by anger and hurt, and you were determined to find a way to navigate through the turmoil of the situation.

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