Reader breaks up!

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Requested by gokuhaza

Ai Hoshino

You found yourself entangled in a web of uncertainty, babysitting Aqua and Ruby at your girlfriend Ai's house. Anxiety knotted your thoughts as you grappled with the weight of your situation. Ai had just embarked on her career, and you were determined to be her unwavering pillar of support.

Yet, an unexpected encounter with Ichigo threw your world into turmoil. He urged you to end your relationship with Ai, claiming it was the only way to safeguard her budding career. Though your romance had been concealed from the public eye, you were acutely aware of Ai's devoted fan base. They adored her with such fervor that they expected her to remain untarnished, unattached.

In a moment of heart-wrenching resolve, you decided that you had to sever the ties that bound you to Ai. You believed it was the only way to protect her, for as long as she was with you, she remained vulnerable to potential backlash from her fans.

As Ai returned home, tears welled up in your eyes, betraying your inner turmoil. "_____" she murmured, sensing your distress as she approached you with concern.

"Ai... I think we should break up," you stammered out, causing Ai's eyes to widen in disbelief. Aqua and Ruby stared at you, their young faces etched with shock, as you summoned the courage to continue.

"This entire... relationship doesn't sit right with me," you confessed. Ai's jaw dropped slightly, and she found herself at a loss for words. It was a rare sight, witnessing the charismatic idol silenced, for she typically had a clever response for every situation. But in this moment, she was rendered speechless, caught off guard by your revelation.

With a trembling gulp, you gathered your belongings and fled as fast as your legs could carry you. You rushed out of her house, slamming the door behind you, and tears streamed down your face.

"Why... why did it have to come to this?" you asked yourself, your heart heavy with the painful weight of your decision.


Months passed, and you found yourself in the shadows, watching Ai's concerts from a distance. While she appeared to be thriving in the spotlight, her charismatic presence as enchanting as ever, you couldn't help but see through the facade.

Behind the scenes, you wouldn't notice the subtle signs of her inner struggle. The sparkle in her eyes seemed dimmed, and a lack of confidence peeked through when she thought no one was looking. You knew the truth - that she was fiercely dedicated to her children, Aqua and Ruby, and that the breakup had left a deep scar on her soul.

Ai continued to maintain a rigorous schedule, trying to carry on as if nothing had changed. But the wound inflicted by your separation lingered, and it was evident in her moments of vulnerability when she was alone with her thoughts. You wished you could be there to support her, but the sacrifice you'd made to protect her career kept you at a distance, silently cheering her on from afar.

 You wished you could be there to support her, but the sacrifice you'd made to protect her career kept you at a distance, silently cheering her on from afar

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