Adding Memcho (Part 1)

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How you would meet

A warm, anticipatory smile played on your lips as Ruby led you towards the grand facade of the legendary Strawberry Productions building. The dream of becoming an idol had been your unwavering aspiration, nurtured since the days of your childhood. It was this burning ambition that had propelled you to join a prestigious school for budding celebrities, standing shoulder to shoulder with luminaries such as Frill Shiranui and Minami Kotobuki.

With palpable excitement in her voice, Ruby proclaimed, "So, here we are!" Your eyes sparkled with eager anticipation as you stepped over the threshold into the practice room, your heart pounding with the promise of what lay ahead. Imagining the countless hours Ai Hoshino must have spent practicing within these very walls sent shivers down your spine.

Ruby, your gracious guide, began to unravel the mysteries of Strawberry Productions, expertly guiding you through each room. Her words painted a vivid canvas of the journey that awaited you as a member of b-Komachi.

"This is so exhilarating!" you couldn't help but exclaim.

"Isn't it?" Ruby replied with a beaming smile. "We're going to light up the entire world!"

Your laughter rang through the room as you shared in the excitement. Just then, the entrance burst open, and a voice called out.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" The voice announced its arrival. You turned to find a girl approaching, curiosity lighting up her eyes as she surveyed the scene. Taking in her appearance, you noticed her blonde-dyed hair and street-style attire, with baby blue eyes that sparkled with vibrancy.

"Who's this?" the girl inquired, her curiosity piqued, prompting Ruby to respond, "This is our new b-Komachi member!"

You extended a polite smile, introducing yourself, "I'm ______."

"Why so formal?" Ruby teased, and Memcho, the newcomer, couldn't help but giggle.

"I'm Memcho!" she announced cheerfully, and in that moment, the camaraderie of b-Komachi began to take shape.

When She has A Love Rival

"Hmmm... this is going to be interesting"

 this is going to be interesting"

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How she confesses (Headcanons)

- Really shy and hesitant at first
- Usually isn't the one but overthink but not this time, as she'd think of all possibilities of your reaction
- How would you react? Would you accept her if you knew the truth about her and her age?
- Would wait until you you're older
- After confessing she'd play it off as a joke until your reaction shows you liked her back
- Debates on whether to let you know her secrets

- Really shy and hesitant at first- Usually isn't the one but overthink but not this time, as she'd think of all possibilities of your reaction- How would you react? Would you accept her if you knew the truth about her and her age?- Would wait unt...

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