Oneshot: Ruby x Akane - To Become Better

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Akane stood before her script, a furrow of frustration marring her brow. She was in the midst of practicing for her upcoming role as Hamlet in the play, with her rival Kana Arima cast as Claudius.

"To be or not to be, that is the question... oh no, I said it too bluntly!" Akane scolded herself inwardly, unsatisfied with her delivery. Her performance lacked the emotional depth she yearned to convey. If Kana were here, she would surely have teased Akane mercilessly.

"I have to be better. I have to do better. I need to be better," Akane's thoughts looped like a never-ending mantra. With each repetition, the words grew louder, a relentless demand echoing in her mind.

To combat her inner turmoil, Akane exhaled slowly, stretching her fatigued muscles. Sweat glistened on her face, evidence of her dedication to her craft. She knew she needed to elevate her acting skills to meet the lofty expectations set by the director.

"To be or not to be, that is the question..."

The play, "Hamlet," was a director's dream, a challenging piece that would test the entire cast's abilities and understanding of the characters. It was a coveted role, one that had been requested by the director due to a deep affection for the play.

Akane took a deep breath, bracing herself for another attempt.

In a different setting, Ruby sought out her twin brother, Aqua, who was engrossed in composing an email on his laptop. The rhythm of his fingers tapping on the keyboard filled the room.

Hours had passed since Ruby had sent a message to her girlfriend, Akane, who had yet to respond. Worry gnawed at Ruby's heart; she feared that Akane was pushing herself to work late into the night.

"Onii-channnn," Ruby sing-songed as she approached, her voice laden with concern. "Akaneeeee isn't replying to meeeeeee. Whyyyyyyy?"

Aqua responded with a deadpan look, aware of the situation. "You most likely know the answer yourself."

"But I don't want her to overwork, it's making me crazy!" Ruby exclaimed, her eyes pleading for understanding.

Aqua couldn't resist a chuckle, the irony not lost on him. "Crazier than you dating my ex?"

Ruby pouted and vented her frustration by kicking her brother's leg. "You know her longer than me, so please tell me what I need to do to make her stop overworking herself!"

Aqua halted his typing and let out a sigh. He understood Ruby's concerns, but he had his reservations about getting involved. It was already past 10 pm, and Akane had yet to respond to Ruby's message.

"Well, why wouldn't you just barge into her house?" Aqua suggested casually, taking a sip from his teacup. Ruby's eyes lit up with enthusiasm.

"Oh my god, yes! That's it!"

In that moment, Aqua spluttered, spitting out his tea and coughing violently. Had Ruby not realized that he wasn't entirely serious? The idea of barging into Akane's house seemed like a reckless endeavor, even if it did come from a place of concern.

"Wait, I wasn't being se—" Aqua couldn't finish his sentence as Ruby exclaimed her thanks and hastily left the room, closing the door behind her.

Aqua slumped in his seat, his face reflecting his exasperation. Why was she his sister again?


The rain outside painted the world in shades of gray. People on the streets hurried along with umbrellas, seeking shelter from the downpour. Ruby, in her frantic state, had forgotten to bring an umbrella and ran through the wet streets.

Ruby's worry for Akane was consuming her. She knew her girlfriend's dedication to her work, but there was a fear that Akane's relentless drive would lead to self-neglect.

"Akane!!" Ruby called out as she finally reached her destination, soaked to the bone. The sky had darkened, and visibility was limited. She pounded on Akane's doorbell repeatedly, waiting anxiously.

The door swung open to reveal a bewildered Akane, her breath catching as she took in Ruby's soaked appearance.

"Oh my god Ruby, you're all wet!" Akane exclaimed before pulling Ruby inside. She rushed off to fetch a towel, leaving Ruby scanning her for any signs of distress.

Akane seemed physically fine, and Ruby's heart eased slightly.

"Just what on earth is going on with you?" Akane chided gently as she dried Ruby's hair. "You shouldn't be wandering around without an umbrella when it's raining."

"I know," Ruby giggled, finding her girlfriend's fussiness endearing. "You see, I was worried about you. You didn't reply to my message, and I wanted to tell you not to overwork yourself!"

Akane's eyes softened at Ruby's words, touched by her concern. "You could've just called me."

"But then you wouldn't answer and worry me more!" Ruby whined, her desperation evident.

"You don't need to become better for my sake! I love you for who you are!" Ruby began, her voice sincere and earnest.

Akane's lips parted in surprise, hearing these words once again but feeling their impact anew.

"You don't have to beat Kana to prove yourself. Please, don't overwork yourself because of a baking soda-licking fool, okay?"

Akane gulped and nodded, her throat tight with emotion. A heavy atmosphere hung between them, charged with unspoken affection.

Ruby's face inched closer to Akane's, their eyes locked in a shared intensity. Ruby's lips brushed against Akane's, a tender kiss filled with love.

"Okay, I promise," Akane whispered, her heart swelling with gratitude and adoration.


My first oneshot omg- as mentioned, requests are open! This is actually the first time I wrote a lesbian ship lol

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