When Reader Is Sad

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~Requested by roxy_angel4~


Ai Hoshino

Exhaustion clung to the young idol like a heavy cloak as she finally arrived home. She gasped for breath, her energy sapped by the long day that had just concluded. Yet, a radiant smile adorned her face as she gazed up at the familiar façade of your shared home. Determined, she rolled up her shirt sleeves and exhaled deeply. Today marked her return to the world of fan meetings, a milestone since giving birth to her beloved children, Ruby and Aqua. The event had gone smoothly, but it had left her drained, physically and emotionally. What she yearned for now, more than anything else, was the solace of your presence and the simple pleasure of watching a movie together. The anticipation of reuniting with you after a grueling day made it all worthwhile.

As Ai's hand extended towards the doorknob, a faint, unfamiliar sound reached her ears from inside the house – a soft, sorrowful sob. A shiver of concern ran down her spine as she recognized your voice, the voice that had been so full of joy just hours ago. A furrow appeared on her usually cheerful face as she pushed the door open.

"____?..." Ai called out, her voice a mixture of confusion and worry. What had transpired in her absence? You had seemed so content when she left for work earlier. Her frown deepened as she stepped into the house.

"I'm home!" She announced her presence, closing the door gently behind her and slipping off her shoes. Ai's steps led her to the living room, where she found you, your eyes red and glistening from tears.

"O-oh, Ai!" You hastily wiped away your tears, but it was too late. Ai had caught a glimpse of your tear-stained face. She approached you quietly, extending her arms in a gesture of comfort.

"____..." Ai smiled at you, but it wasn't her usual playful grin. This time, her smile offered a different kind of reassurance, one that you might expect from a loving mother or a caring older sister. It was an unspoken promise of support, and it tugged at your emotions once more. Unable to contain your feelings, you rushed toward her, leaping into her warm embrace. Both of you sank to the floor, and Ai held you close as you released your pent-up emotions. Her hands moved in soothing circles on your back and traveled up to stroke your head.

In truth, Ai was no therapist. She could dispense advice on self-confidence with ease, but when it came to broader life issues, she often felt at a loss. She had learned to minimize her own problems as a coping mechanism, but she couldn't advise you to do the same. She knew better than anyone that such a coping mechanism had its pitfalls.

"___... I'm not here to force you to share what's troubling you," Ai whispered gently into your ear. "Just know that I'm here for you, and I won't ever judge you, no matter what."

Ruby Hoshino

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Ruby Hoshino

You let out a heavy sigh, your thoughts spiraling into a whirlwind of despair. It felt as though the weight of the world had suddenly descended upon you. School had become an unrelenting challenge, with exams and the responsibilities of being the class representative taking their toll. You had hoped that your classmates would respect you for your role, but instead, they had chosen to ridicule and isolate you.

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