Them Being Jealous (Headcanons)

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~Requested by blinkmal~


Ai Hoshino

- Not very obvious at first because she'd cover it up with her happy-go attitude
- You have to see through her actions to notice her jealousy
- Would watch at first to see if you'd push them away
- If you don't she'd come in between and act nicely towards the both of you
- She'd start blabbing about stuff to make the person go away
- Over time the person fades into background and ends up third-wheeling
- Ai puts her arm around your shoulder and pulls you close
- You'd see her turn her head to the person and sticking out her tongue to mock them

"Oh, too bad, I don't share"

Ruby Hoshino

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Ruby Hoshino

- Similar to Ai but more direct
- Would react the moment she sees you
- She'd go to you and pull you away while shooting glares at the person
- Would talk to you about random stuff to cover up her jealousy
- Eventually you have to ask her about it and she gets flustered
- Poor baby can't hide it anymore
- You give her hugs <3

"You belong to me okay? You don't need to talk to other people like that"

"You belong to me okay? You don't need to talk to other people like that"

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Aqua Hoshino

- Very discreet
- Won't butt in unless you feel uncomfortable
- Pretty much trusts you and rationalizes his emotions
- But there's this unhinged feeling lingering inside him
- Ah, screw that
- He searches for an excuse to pull you away from the person and covers up with his demeanor
- Due to his acting skills he manages to fool the person but not you
- You eventually hug him, saying there's no need to be worried
- He returns the hug, a small smile plastered on his face

"Don't worry, I trust you"

"Don't worry, I trust you"

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Kana Arima

- Probably the most jealous of the bunch
- This comes from her insecurities about herself
- Struggles with not feeling good enough
- Seeing you talking with Akane (for example) would be the most painful since Akane is her rival (they're the same age and have the same profession)
- Wouldn't move and only watch you from afar till she can't take it anymore
- She'd rush to you and just pull away while being flustered
- Poor girl needs reassurance :(
- You tell her everything is okay and that she's good enough for who she is

"I'm not being insecure, you know! I just don't like the way this person looked at you"

"I'm not being insecure, you know! I just don't like the way this person looked at you"

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Akane Kurokawa

- The saddest of the bunch :(
- Like Kana she perceives herself as not being good enough
- She watches you talking to the other person
- Seeing you smiling with the other person is another kind of pain
- This other person looks pretty, has an awesome aura... no wonder you're smiling with them
- She doesn't know what to do
- Doesn't move an inch at first but then calls out for you
- Finds an excuse to talk to you
- Feels the heaviness disappearing from her body as you talk with each other

"This person doesn't mean anything to you, do they?"

"This person doesn't mean anything to you, do they?"

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(A/N): Another part yay! I refrain myself from writing oneshots though since I noticed I lack the flexibility that I used to have :/ I'll do headcanons though!

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