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I looked at him in shock waiting for an answer

"we will talk about this after dinner" he said gritting his teeth "no we will not your going to tell me what the fuck she meant by being 'sold', so spit it out before you find yourself hanging from this ceiling" I replied, anger filling me

"Watch your mouth I'm telling you," he gritted out.

"Don't you even try and tell me to do shi-"
Before I could finish my sentence I felt a sharp blow against my cheek, sending my face to the opposite direction.


"Fuck you," I spoke in a sharpened tone cupping my red cheek as my sister dragged me out before things got worse.

I walked out making my way with my sisters hand grabbing onto my wrist, as I turned around I saw Matteo had stood up while telling the rest of them to get out, except for dad.
I hardly remember what I saw as the door close  before I could get a better view, but the last thing that carved in my mind was Matteos hand scrunched into a tight fist meeting my
dads face.


I had woken up with a heavy pounding in my head, and my vision started awakening; where am I?

I looked around to see I had been tied up to a wooden chair with tape covering my mouth, I watched into the darkness to see the door had opened, revealing a tall bald figure, father.

Yeah if that's what you wanna call a father fine🌚

Shut up shym, you shut up I'm not the one who's about to get tortured.
We're technically the same person....,
Yeah but I live in that slow brain of yours so HAH.

He slowly approached me as I tried pushing my self back to get further away from him which only made him pick up the pace.

Hush your mouth with your little dirty mind, Kmt *author

"Shym, shym, shym you've always known your mouth will get you into trouble yet you still open it?" He said tilting his head, he came into the dull light, what happened to him?

Which had revealed his bruised, rearranged face; his face was beaten black and blue and his body was covered with dried and freshly made up blood, opened scars and cuts.

Trying to speak while the tape wrapped around my mouth with only muffled sounds leaving my lips he leaned forward and ripped of the tape 'Ouch' my throat lacked dehydration even the saliva in my mouth was unfounded.

"What happened to you?" I asked tempting myself to hold in my laughter.

Im sorry i couldn't help it, he looked like a paralysed rat.

"Your husband happened"

Just the thought of him becoming my husband had me turning green out of disgust.

"What we do you mean, oh please don't tell me you lost a fight with someone who is less than half your age, and here I was thinking I'm the disappointment of the family." I spat out sarcastically

"shut the fuck up you whore I swear your going to end up in a coma when I'm done with you" He shouted as the echoes bounced of the walls.

"Oh save your little threatenings for someone who gives a fuck, now just get this shit over with, your wasting my time" I said rolling my eyes awaiting for the torture to begin.

He tightened his hand into a fist blowing it against my face as a salty, metallic taste started to ooze in my mouth, continuously getting punched left to right as blood ceaselessly drenched my clothes.

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