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a mistake. that's what last night was and it never should have happened. I'm not one of his whores he can go to when he's horny and i've made that clear, he probably has a small dick anyways.

my head falls back in frustration onto the head of the couch, forgetting i'm not by myself, on my left was Matteo, his large muscular, tatted arms hung over my shoulders while his hands had a slightly firm grip onto my waists.

his fat head lay on my shoulder, his breathing was calm and steady.

That's all that came out of him and that's exactly my taste in men, the less bullshit they have to say, the better.
but unfortunately it's not gonna last long since we have to wake up early for some shitty ball.
unless I make the silence permanent and kill him? That's not such a bad idea you know.

interrupted by one of bellas snores I quickly sit up pushing Matteos head off of me, then placing bellas tiny feet on where I sat.
"bro get up" i said while shaking Matteo trying to wake him up.
his only response was his breathing, walking straight to the kitchen i find some ice cubes in freezer, i grabbed them then walked back to the living room where he was still sleeping.

my eye caught sight of his grey joggers sitting perfectly low on his torso, i held onto the band of his joggers pulling it out before dumping the whole tray of ice inside him then letting it go as the elastic smacked against his skin.

his body jolted up from his position.
"why the fuck would you do that?" he said almost seeming unfazed by the coldness of it.

"because your dumbass was taking to long to wake up" i replied looking him dead in the eye, our eye contact was sharp, neither one of us attempting to look away from each other.
"anyways i'm going out later" i told him breaking of the silence walking up to my room.

"no." while pushing himself from the couch to stand up, trailing behind me along with the water melted from the ice.

I turn around facing my head up to look at him, fuck he's tall.

"Its really crazy to me on how you think i was asking you, I assume your father isn't dumb enough to think your capable of running a mafia if you can't process simple things."

"so i'll lay it out again nice and simple for you. I am going out. If you have a problem cry about it life goes on."

I turn around walking away slamming my door shut leaving a bang behind.
"it's too early for this shit" I say to myself before undressing.

The shower turns on, water hitting the marble floor before spitting around, I step into the shower letting the warm water drenching me from head to toe, while sectioning my hair before detangling each part and messaging shampoo into them.

finally, some peace and quiet took long enough.

"Thank you" i nod with a faint smile to the cashier as she hands me my bags filled with lingerie, perfume, makeup and some other random shit that seemed to my interest so i bought it.

I walked out of Victoria secret with five bags on each arm, a smile emerges onto my face looking down at the masterpieces i've bought.

i'm honestly too proud of myself, I swear if there was a world where I could ever have a chance to have a normal life and there was such thing as doing shopping for free as a living. That would be my calling.

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