Chapter 9-I Am Odd

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I gulped the lump in my throat, pulled myself together and turned my shivering head to look at the person beside me, so close.
And found this worked so hard handsome guy who was also a member of the community, meeting his lustrous eyes with my horrified yet cold eyes.
And then slightly raised his eye brows waiting for my response.
"Sorry.... not interested", I got a step back to make a little distance.
He got offensive, rubbed his hand on his artificially perfect chin, cleared his throat and said, "Am I not too handsome for an imperfectee like you?"
"Exactly, you're too artificial for a natural like me", I rolled my eyes and saw Gabriel watching us standing beside me.
Gabriel lamely chuckled, "ohh it's too hard to get her Isaac"
Isaac left in frustration, gritted teeth and Gabriel turned to me, "I don't know I should say this or not but when are you going to look forward on to your relationship status? I mean you reject people without thinking. Are you too out of sexual desires?"
"No I'm not. Nice presentation by the way", I tried to change the topic.
Gabriel became enthusiastically happy, "oh you liked it!? Thanks" giggled and then rolled her eyes, "ahhh you're good at taking the train off the track"
I smirked,"don't let your imaginations go wild Gabriel" and we both chuckled.

I came back to my apartment and took out the book I couldn't complete last time, "Taking Control".
I found out that scientists had invented a similar chemical as from the story of Medona. They called it manipulizer.
It could cure a pervert. Clinical trials had positive reports but it was still not in practice. Disappointment.

When I was done exhausting myself enough that I couldn't continue reading, I took a break and opened my mobile phone.
Gabriel had sent me the group photo of all the community members before the presentation had begun.
I noticed Isaac's stare at me captured in the picture.
Isaac and every other person that I rejected were naive as well as stupid in my opinion.
Actually, the truth is, I have this intrinsic behavior of rejecting a relationship that has no marital guarantee.

This is because of my Muslim ancestors who preferred "no sexual relationship before marriage".
Although this is completely inapplicable to the world we live in now but I can't help the genetic behavior I inherited from my ancestry.
Part of the reason behind rejection is also my self centered, introvert, cold and freaking personality.
I never wanted someone to come closer to me.
I had a crush on our senior named Maneesh when I was in high school. Why I had a crush on him, is still a mystery for me but he had a melodious voice that used to give me stomach butterflies whenever I heard it. My heart used to beat harshly against my ribcage whenever he came infront of me.
And as a product of Muslim ancestors mixed with introvert personality I never confronted my feelings to him.
Somehow he might have noticed my cheeks getting blushed infront of him everytime.

It was our annual result day. I was walking in our corridor intending to go back. I felt someone's chase behind me.
At first I accelerated my steps but the chase was continuous. So, I quickly turned back to see who it is.
My heart skipped a beat when I found Maneesh right infront of me. I was completely astonished.
He greeted me, mesmerized me by his voice.
He asked me to be his partner at the upcoming ball party. Butterflies in my stomach started to dance but I told him that I couldn't dance. He tried to convince me and after a small useless debate finally he confessed his feelings to me.
"I like you Tarika! Even... love you", he whispered the word love beneath his breath intensified with emotions, "I prefer your preferences. I value your values. And I'll find myself blessed to have you on my side whether you can or cannot dance, it doesn't matter at all."
I was speechless. My heart would explode at the rate it was beating. I couldn't believe it was really happening. I felt my cheeks burning out of the blood rushing beneath its skin.
My silence might have signaled him with a big YES. He thought I was shy. When he came closer to me to kiss me I stepped back immediately and refused to his love.
The confusion that plastered his face after hearing NO explained his confidence on himself. He knew I had that little something for him.
Although I cried alot after coming back home but it was something I was born with and I couldn't fix myself.

Another impact that my ancestors transmitted to me is my belief. Odd but true.
Although my parents had embraced atheism but I cannot accept coincidences at such a large scale just because the so called cool and modern world think.
I believe there is some kind of energy controlling the whole universe.

A/N: Don't get offensive by either religion or atheism. I respect everyone's opinions.

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