Chapter 14-Getting Ready

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"Why me?" I asked Dr.Sandra when Richard left. I didn't want to embarrass her infront of Richard. But I also didn't want to be a part of this.

Sandra had already listened alot. None of the crews were happy with her decision.

And I too was confused why would she do that which she hadn't revealed to the others.

"I have seen something in you that I haven't seen in anyone else which is originality. You are old school, introvert, social phobic or whatever it is, but your personality has somehow kept your inner human alive. You haven't turned into a robot like everyone else including me. We are travelling too far into time for the first time and we need a human to interact with humans" Sandra explained herself.

"What?! Why interactions? Isn't it banned? They can collect all the informations without a psychiayrist, can't they?" I was confused why would they need an interactor.

Sandra cleared her throat and answered, "The reasons published were just 20 percent of our mission. The main mission is to bring the meteor. I personally doubt Richard's calculations. But he says this much time change will not affect present or future. And bringing the meteor will be benificial for everyone. Atleast they will be able to put forward the theories of solving the energy issue"

I was flabergasted at her answer. My jaw dropped and I couldn’t believe my ears. But I knew the reasons were not enough to spent such a huge amount of energy on and I was proven to be right.

When I was about to collect proper words for suitable sentence of refusal, Dr.Sandra stated first, "its a good chance for you to find your answers all by yourself" and winked at me.

That statement was intriguing and she knew I couldn't resist on this. I took a pause and there was no way I would want to let go of such a great opportunity. I was the first one, although a little reluctant, to accept her decision. She was a senior scientist and no matter how much Richard tapped foot on the ground he couldn't turn down her decision.

They didn't like me much_ or not at all, but they were compelled to start their further procedure with me.

The other members included Dr.Charles and Dr.Divesh. Hence, the RCD lab.

They did a collab with the Australian richest business man who took all the expenses.

Their plan was delayed due to Sandra's accident and my entry into the pack. I had many confusions which I got cleared as follows:
      The energy absorbing machines were inefficient to keep such huge amount of energy for so long. It had already started to leak energy back into the surroundings. They couldn't wait for Dr.Sandra's recovery.
      The longer the time distance, the lesser would be the effect of change in the past. And the time by which the city was alive was the farthest they could go.
       Psychiatrist i.e I, will be responsible for interactions only when needed which they believed I would probably.
   Dr.Charles was a geographic expert and he was responsible for mapping the place and positioning the crews appropriately.
    Dr.Divesh was the genius who invented those realistic insect robots. And he had to control all his gadgets from the cabin.
     Dr.Richard was the leader and he was responsible for all the moves and commands. And had to take care of us and the mission alongside.

The night before our depart. By that time Dr.Charles and Dr.Divesh had started to accept me with them in the journey but Richard was still unsure if I could be trusted.
Honestly, I couldn't trust myself too.
And that energy mass plasticity thing, which I couldn't understand, gave me goose bumps everytime I thought of it.

Everyone got gathered in the office including Mr.Sebastian (the business man). We had to overlook our plan once again.
"My second utmost priority would be bringing the meteor. We have worked very hard on this project and I don't want to waste it." Richard addressed.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Second?? I thought maybe I wasnot listening to him actively. Or maybe he slipped on his words.

"What's the first priority?" Luckily Divesh asked.

"To bring my team back, obviously!" Richard looked at Divesh as how dumb his question was.
*Thanks to God I didn't ask*

Everyone nodded at that statement.
"What if something wrong happens?" Charles inquired.

"I'll be responsible for that and I want to make sure you all come back alive and healthy. We will cease our mission immediately if there was something"

"And come without meteor?" Mr.Sebastian didn't like the idea of coming without meteor because it would be a great failure after all the efforts.

Richard took a pause and then nodded," yes, but I'll try my best to not let things go that worse"

"And what if someone decides to stay?" I spoke for the first time after the meeting had started. My voice echoed through the office awkwardly.

A moment of silence and everyone broke into fits of laughter. Richard smiled, "why am I starting to like her?"

"Haah! No one can resist Tarika", Sandra spoke for me.

After the meeting dismissed I went upto Sandra who wanted to have a word with me.

"I don't know why but I feel like Richard is somehow right about not to trust me" I spoke out of insecurity.
"You know I have never even treated a real patient", I whispered so that only Sandra could hear.

Sandra smiled and showed me a small plastic container filled with a gray milky fluid.
"This is a manipulizer. It is used to..."
"Treat a pervert. It manipulates the person and makes him believe he had what he wanted for real. It's from the story of medona" I completed her sentence for her and took that container from her hand. I was astonished.

Sandra chuckled, "that's why I trust you for who you are"

"But isn't it banned?" I quizzed as I had learned it from the book 'Taking Control'.

"Hmm... yeah.. mostly.... we are not allowed to apply this on our routine subjects publically" Sandra's lips pulled into a grin and then  leaned towards me, "I have used this multiple times. I hate perverts and it works efficiently", Sandra whispered and winked.

"And more importantly the rule never mentioned pastees" she further added with a smirk.

I didn't know why would I need a manipulizer in a 'meteor bringing mission' but I knew she had solid reason behind it. According to Sandra I would myself find situations where I was going to need it.

All the crews were injected with an antidot for manipulizer so that it wouldn't affect anyone of us.

A/N: Can anyone guess what will happen next?
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