Chapter 24-Possesion Or Jealousy?

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I had qualms about the unnecessary lie that I told Hirashman. I couldn't get all of the information from him. I had to wait more and spend more time with him. This could also help to built his trust on me.

I woke up a little late in the morning. I came out of the room and luckily no one interupted me. They had to use gesture language with me so, everyone preferred not to talk to me. I walked towards the maps room and looked at its door from the corner of my eyes. My stomach tied into a knot when I saw the lock on it.
*Oh no someone must've seen me going there. But who?*
I checked my watch and the meteor was still in there. Probably, the person couldn't understand why I went there.

I couldn't do this anymore on my own. I needed to talk to Richard and come up with a proper plan. I also had to report to him about my findings and the painting. I swept my vision in the patio but I couldn't find Hirashman anywhere. I walked towards the main gate of the palace and tried to tell the guard that I wanted to go out by gestures. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get my message into that guard's thick head. I frustratingly changed my gestures again and again and everytime he assumed the stupidest meanings.

I was in the middle of that unpleasant, noway going conversation when the other guard quickly opened the gate for Hirashman and few of his men on horses. I was overjoyed to see him but I couldn't see the happiness on his face that I was expecting. Hirashman headed towards the royal staple while the others escorted their horses outside the palace. I followed him to the staple. He was caressing his horse while it was grunting under his polite touch.
"Hirashman" I called out his name to grab his attention towards me.
"Go back to your room", he commanded me, didn't even give me a single glance and so sternly that I couldn't stand there longer. I left the staple with an inaudible okay. I couldn't understand the change in his behavior.

I stayed in the prostitutes room. Briefly after lunch, a maid came into the room and announced, "Medona! Hirashman's highness wants to talk to you."
Firstly, that Medona name didn't sound good to me and secondly, I got embarrassed as how respectfully everyone addressed him but I didn't.
I nodded at her. The other prostitutes started to mumble. Some of them didn't want me to talk to Hirashman while some of them were amazed at my nod.
"Can you understand that?", one of them asked me as I was just about to leave the room.
I looked back at her astonished face and nodded again. I could see the embarrassment on her face about all the bad things they said about me.

I followed the maid who stopped infront of a door. "He is waiting for you inside"
I entered the room and saw a tall, muscular figure with a sword in one hand, standing in the centre of the room with his back towards me. He had removed the cloak and only wearing the fit tunic sketching his physique perfectly.

The room was full of different weapons. Swords, shields, steel chest pieces and helmets were arranged all around.
Hirashman sensed my presence in the room already but didn't care to turn around to see me. Instead he woved his sword professionally in the air, practicing the best of his moves without any eye contact with me. He moved so swiftly and smoothly holding his sword firm. If someone stood infront of him, alive would not be an option. He spun the sword upon his head, the edge leveled his muscular torso and with a little rotation dug the first inch of sword down into the mud. Still looking down.

"Are you trying to impress me by that? Sorry, not working", *although that was breath taking performance to be honest*
He knew I was lying. He wove the sword again and directly put it on my neck and stopped the momentum firmly. It was nerve wrecking but I held my self straight and tried my best to show I wasn't scared of him. The skin of my neck itched at the slight touch sensation of the sharp edge of the sword. He finally looked at me and said, "that sword has taken hundreds of lifes"
"Cruel" I didn't like the pride in his statement.

After failing to get any compliments, he came straight to his point, "what were you doing by the gate?", putting the sword back into its stand.
*sure, I couldn't tell him I wanted to meet Richard to make a robbery plan*
"You said you will tell me about Mariah", I changed the direction of the conversation by dropping a different question.
He paused for a moment and then said, "answer my question first" and crossed his arms. He was not in a good mood.
"I ... umm ... I wanted to meet my... friend. I wanted to know if he's alright"
"Or you wanted to tell him the door was locked by the morning?"
I was shocked and scared at the same time. How could I forget it was him who saw me coming out of that room. I didn't know how to respond.
"I saw a painting in there. Who was it?" Lying was not an option so, instead, I tried to drag him in.

He walked towards me and held my soft arms with both of his hands, our faces right opposite to each other.
"Who are you and what do you want?", his teeth gritted.
"I told you already"
"I don't understand you"
"Requires a high level of intelligence", his grip tightened at the disdain in my statement. He glared at me for a moment and said, "your friend is going to die"
"I am going to kill him" he squeezed my arms in his hands and I winced in pain.
"No you won't!!", I defended.
"Yes I will.. ... I do have the authority to kill a trespasser who is close to someone I don't want him to be", he slowly loosened the grip on my arms' flesh, which got sore and snaked my waist with his arms. I pushed his chest with my hands but in vain. And with a snap of moment he pinned my small stature against his strong trunk, my hands were the only barrier between us. I felt his warm breath on my face. His heartbeat could be palpated from the leather on his chest. I couldn't breath. I was terrified.
"Hirashman, leave me", I pleaded and tried to push him.
"Why? You're a prostitute", lust radiated through his words.
My eyes filled with tears. I was on the urge to cry and kept pushing him.
He pulled his arms and freed me. I quickly stepped back making distance with him and said, "I thought you were different", I tried not to weep. He was still staring at me when I ran out of the room in self disgust and disappointment.

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