Chapter 15-Departure

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The time of departure came. The time travel portal was a like a small science lab having digital glass walls. It was RCD special design made by Dr.Divesh, the gadgets expert.

It had four command chairs placed in the centre for the four travelers. Surrounded by digital glass table all around which contained all the control data. A glass cupboard on one glass wall in which all the insect robots, their controllers, radars, translator ear plugs, scanners, medical set, cosmetic kit and manipulizer containers were placed in such a manner that they wouldn't mix up during the energy mass plasticity.

I had qualms and I couldn't believe it was happening. I was excited and nervous too. It felt like a dream I was hoping to be true.

I sat in the conn which had Dr.Sandra printed on it. The travel was delayed only for nine days, so they didn't change the name. I knew they could change the name by then but they didn't. It didn't bother me much.

Dr.Divesh was giving his stuff a final check up while Dr.Charles was doing some kind of meditation.

I could see all the coworkers working in the room through the glass wall. Dr.Sandra was sitting in her wheel chair by a table. Her gaze was on me and she was continuously motivating me through different signals that I could do this.
Mr.Sebestian was talking with Richard that I couldn't hear but I could tell through their expressions that Mr. Sebestian was pretty much concerned about the meteor and was insisting on not to cease the mission in any circumstance.
The meteor was more important to the scientists as they had to resolve the energy issue but I don't know why Mr.Sebastian was more worried.

I saw a medical coworker of the lab filling a syringe with an injection through the transparent walls of the time portal, then cleared the bubbles from the barrel through the nozzle.
He entered the portal and walked towards me. I was confused what he was doing.
He stretched his hand towards my arm and said, "Can you fold up your sleeve for me?"
I was puzzled, "I already got the antidot injection yesturday" I thought he might have forgotten that.
He smiled at my innocence, "its not the antidot doctor, its anesthesia"
I rose my eyebrows in confusion, none of them mentioned anything about anesthesia before.
"We are having anesthesia for this?" I inquired.
Charles replied on that on the coworker's behalf, "Not we! You are having the anesthesia" he smirked at me.
My eyes grew wider, "Just me? But why?"
Charles brushed his fingers through his hair and sighed, "huh! Do you know what energy mass plasticity feels like? Your gut gets dissolved in your peritoneal cavity. Your bones become elastic and slip against your joints. Your sutures dislocate. Your grey matter falls down into your lateral and third ventricals and your cerebellum leaks down your foramen magnum" he spoke in deep and heavy voice. He was terrifying me by the look in his eyes.
I gulped the lump forming in my throat as I listened to him. But I still couldn't understand why just me?!
"But why only me?" I asked as my voice cracked.
Divesh was done with his almost thousandth rechecking of the gadgets and interupted, "Richard wouldn't want you to puke in his time machine" he said nonchalantly.
Both of them broke into laughter. They were mocking me.
"Stop it you two!" Richard entered.
"You don't have any training of the energy mass plasticity. It might scare you. So, you have to take the anesthesia as quick as possible. I can't wait for you anymore" he spoke to me sternly.
I nodded and folded up my sleeve. I felt the prick of the needle injected subcutaneously into my arm followed by the rush of the fluid into it.
Soon my eyes got heavier and my vission got blurry. I saw Dr.Sandra was still looking at me when a person handed her a cup of green potion. She smiled at me and my eyes got closed.

Luckily my biggest fear 'the energy mass plasticity' was masked in the anesthesia.

My eyelids were still glued but I started to hear familiar voices when the effect of anesthesia lowered.

"How much more will it take?" I heard Richard's voice.
"Something is blocking my scanners. I think it's the meteor. It will surely take a while more" Charles spoke.
I couldn't register what was going on. I tried to pull up my concreted eyelids to see if we have completed the journey or not.
"Tell me the percentage" Richard demanded.
"65 percent but it's much slower than I expected"
"It's okay Charles. I will consider this a welcome from our meteor" Richard sounded happy.

I barely opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was a flock of birds flying in the sparsely clouded blue sky through the glass roof of the portal.
We were not in the RCD lab. I choked on air as I saw men and women walking right infront of us. They were looking at us but not responding.
A busy street; people wearing neat manually sewed, varieties of clothes with some of them wearing berets and cloth caps on their head too.
The obsolete city found beneath our university was alive infront of me.

"You're up sleeping beauty?", Divesh said as he noticed me looking astonished at the scene around me.

I looked at him and before I could pass him a smile, my gut felt uneasy. I felt nausea and dizziness despite of the anesthesia.
I felt an urge of vomiting and I held my mouth with both hands and ran outside the portal.

I puked on the ground with a gross enormous amount of vomitus. The acid burnt my throat and I felt it's soreness all over my pharynx. My head was a little dizzy but it put me at ease. I felt the fresh breeze on my skin. I breathe in it a couple times. And then realized some pastees were noticing me. I got terrorized immediately. I turned back to enter the portal.

But it was gone. There was a heap of unrecognizable sacks infront of me.

The panic caused my body shiver with goose bumps all over me.
I was stuck in 2000 BC and I didn't know how to go back.

A/N: The story is about to take interesting twist. Vote if your enjoying and feel free to comment. I am always open to constructive criticism.

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