Chapter 16-New Entry

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I looked here and there in panic. Me panicking by the street side caused more people to notice me. I was wondering what happened to the 'bringing team back promises'. They left me there without even warning me.

I looked at the heap of sacks and suddenly a magical door opened through them. Divesh peeked his head through the door and said,"what are you doing girl. Come in!"

Uggghhhh, it was the same glass forgery that fooled me outside the RCD lab.

I sighed in relief and walked inside. Richard gave me a glance full of disgust and disdain. But I ignored him.

"That forgery is damn real!!!", I cursed Divesh who had created it.

He chuckled,"Well I will take this as a complement" and smiled at me.

"Percentage update Charles!?" Richard asked snorting.
"85 percent"

Divesh showed me a dress, "take this change your clothes", trying to fan off the heat produced in the environment.

The dress matched the outfit of the women in the streets. It was manually sewed basic fabric. It was a long blue tunic shirt. It had two inches cut in the centre of the front neckline joined together by a crisscross of same color lace that was threaded through the eyelets multiple times and knotted in a bow. A same color trouser.

"Where did you get these?" I asked him while checking the whole dress out.
"I got a little help", he tilted his head towards his right shoulder where two of his bees flew and sat on it.

I stared at him as he had stolen the dress. "Come on get changed, it will mend you in their community", he ignored my expressions.

I took the shirt and the trouser in my hand intending to walk outside and find a suitable place to change.

"Wait", as I was about to leave, Richard halted me.
"Where are you going?"
"To get changed?" I was confused *was I not supposed to?*
"You've already gained enough attention from them. Stop doing further stunts. I don't want my mission to be failed so soon and because of you! Change here", he commanded.
My eyes grew wider, "I can't change infront of you!"

Richard chuckled ironically and said, "I don't think you would need a dress to mend in them. You already belong to the era", he taunted me for being an old school.

I once again ignored his rude behavior.
Divesh handed me my translator ear plugs, "I have already installed the language"
I nodded at him and walked outside.

Luckily I found cottage nearby behind which no one could see me. I looked all around and after assuring myself that I was out of anyone's gaze I changed my clothes.

I tied up the lace. The shirt was a little baggie on me as it was not my size. I quickly tied my hair into a French braid.

I took the ear plugs box into my hand and opened it. It was a very delicate design. I took one plug from the box and started observing it from every angle.

I hated the modern world but I always appreciate their creativity.

Suddenly, the plug slipped from my hand and rolled over to the street from the side of the cottage.
I was reluctant to walk over there infront of people demarcating my odd individuality but I also couldn't let the plug lay on the ground. Then I realized I was already wearing similar clothes as them.
I pulled myself together and before anyone else approaches the plug I quickly walked towards it and grabbed it from the ground.

I felt like an earthquake hitted the ground accompanied with beats. The beats grew louder and the ground beneath my feet vibrated with each beat.

I heard a loud trumpet coming closer to me. When I looked in the direction of the sound I felt like someone has snatched the ground beneath my feet.
A giant berserk elephant was about to smash me underneath his thick strong legs. His legs were five times my size and his trunk was twice my height which he was waving in the air while producing the trumpets and roars. His thin wide sheets of ears flapping on his cheeks and his eyes full of rage.

Instead of running away from his way, my feet refused to move an inch. I was frozen in my place and I couldn't breath.

The elephant was just about to step on me. I closed my eyes in fright. I felt a strong arm snaking around my waist from my back, holded me tighter pressing me against his strong chest, lifted me in air and quickly spun in three circles towards one side and took me away from the thick hard leg of the elephant.

I panted harder in panic and how quick it was. I couldn't believe my tiny bones didn't get crushed by the outrageous elephant.

I felt the hold got loosened and freed my waist. I slowly opened my squinted eyes as I was safe now. I saw some men with similar outfits like an army, dealing with the elephant.

I turned around to see my savior and my heart skipped a beat when I saw a young adult totally handsome pastee infront of me.
Dark brown mid length comb over hair, sharp jawline prominated with small beard, light brown stern eyes shining in the sunlight, wearing a fit leather long tunic stretched over his bumped muscles and a dark blue cloak as an overall.

He was staring at me shockingly as if he knew I wasn't from his timeline. I got scared. I felt like I have messed up the mission already. I had to use my psychiatric brain immediately to make up a compensation.

"Ree woohta?" He spoke to me in his language which I couldn't understand as I was not wearing the ear plugs.

"Karnicha rayii", I uttered meaningless words pretending like I didn't understand him and confusing him by my words.

I couldn't believe myself how I came up with that idea. He thought I might have been a foreigner. But his gaze was not moving an inch off my face. Like I was an alien trespassed into their territory.

I was lost in his eyes and so was he. We kept staring into each other's eyes for a quite while when Richard interupted by clearing his throat.

*Oh no I ruined the mission*.

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