1: Enjoy The View

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Saturday | 12:03 p.m.
May 19, 2012

Akari Jeffers"I saw you flirting with the old bitch Kari

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Akari Jeffers
"I saw you flirting with the old bitch Kari. Don't sit here and fucking lie." Celeste stood over me as I sat with my elbows on my knees and my hands clasped together against my face. I was staring at her while she paced back and forth talking shit but honestly, I'd tuned it out. I could no longer understand what was coming out of her mouth but I knew it was some bullshit. Celeste was 6 years older than me and at her big age of 29, she should've been more mature about things and situations. This shit was constant with her.

We'd only been together for two and a half years and I could see why she couldn't keep a nigga her age or older. I was seeing clearly why she'd started dating guys younger than her when she wasn't that old herself. Since we'd been together it was like she tried to control me because I was a little younger than her.

She spent her money on me and bought me expensive jewelry, shoes, and clothes but what was the point of gifting someone those things when you always threatened to take them back? The first time she pulled that I stopped accepting things from her and made sure I had my own everything. The only thing I'd been working on getting was a place of my own. She just didn't know that. I'd been tired of Celeste for a while now but I'd been tolerating her for the sake of having somewhere to lay my head. Enough was enough though.

"So you ain't gon' say shit?" She folded her arms and frowned. I stood and stared down into her evil eyes. Our faces were just inches apart as I clenched my jaw. Shaking my head, I walked around her and headed to the bedroom she'd been calling ours. None of this shit was mine and she knew that.

"Where the fuck are you going? You can't speak now?" She followed me to the bedroom. I went into the closet and the dresser drawers and started pulling out everything I'd bought, tossing it on the bed before searching for a dufflebag to put some of it in. "You're not going anywhere!" She grabbed my arm as I walked to the bed with my shoes. I snatched away from her, not bothering to say anything. I was over the arguing and accusing me of cheating or attempting to cheat. If I were any other guy I probably would've knocked her on her ass but I'd been raised to respect women.

"I said you're not going anywhere!" She jumped on my back and I stopped what I was doing. This bitch was crazy. "You're not leaving."

"Girl..." I spun around and threw her off my back. She landed on the bed, staring at me with wild eyes. "I'm sick of your shit Celeste. Do you know how many women would love to have someone who treats them like a woman should be treated? Someone who brings their check home and helps with bills even though you don't need it. I don't call you out your name or put my hands on you when I could."

"Nigga I wish the fuck you would." She pulled herself up from the bed and stepped to me. I laughed to myself and shook my head.

"See what I mean? You want a man who'll argue and knock your ass between the washer and dryer but that ain't me. You need to go out there and find that type because this type is sick of your ass."

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