33: Picture Perfect

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The next day...

1:57 p.m.

"God you're my biggest blessing," Akari said to Akira who sat in her high chair, staring up at her father as she nibbled on the orange slice in her hand. She'd just woken up from a nap and Akari had fed her lunch.

He'd been a nervous wreck all day but he'd done his best not to show it. The thought of the Devines taking Akira away from him worried him. He'd put his foot down and told them that he was fully capable of raising his child despite what had transpired 3 weeks ago. They seemed to get the picture, but was that just a front? Would they still come after him for custody? They'd never wronged him, but they had the funds to provide for Akira and drag him to court.

He was scared and barely slept a wink last night. The way he'd tossed and turned throughout the night woke Gwendolyn who'd made it her business to ask if he was okay. He'd returned last night and didn't bother to mention what had happened at Mr. and Mrs. Devine's place although he was visibly upset. Gwendolyn tried not to press him about it. He'd talk when he was ready. However, curiosity and worry got the best of her and she'd asked her grandmother this morning and she'd told her about it.

"You're all done snugglebug?" Akari wiped Akira's mouth and face with a paper towel before placing the sippy cup filled with apple juice in front of her. Akira clapped excitedly before grabbing hold of her cup with both hands.

"Tank you," Akira said, bringing the cup to her mouth.

"Were those manners?" Akari said with wide eyes, placing his hand on his chest. Akira giggled.

Cracking a smile, Akari leaned down and planted a kiss on the top of her head. "Good girl."


Akari looked up from his child and stood straight up, hearing the doorbell. Gwendolyn was out with her friends for the first time in weeks and Miss Gwen was out running errands. They both had keys so it made Akari wonder who was at the door.


There it was again.

Akari looked at Akira who was downing her juice.

"I'll be right back snugglebug. Right back." He told her before racing out of the kitchen so he could get back to her as quickly as possible. He looked out of the window and didn't see anyone there. Instead, he saw a car pulling out of the driveway and heading down the street.

"DaDa!" Akira yelled from the kitchen. She'd thrown her orange slice on the floor and had no way of getting to it.

"I'm coming snugglebug!" Akari yelled back to her before pulling the door open. There was no one there, but as he looked down he noticed a bouquet of dahlias. He arched a brow and picked them up. Had someone sent them to Miss Gwen or Gwendolyn? He hoped someone hadn't been enough to send them to his girlfriend.

He headed back to the kitchen with the flowers and pulled the card out of them to read it.

"Dada...fwoot," Akira said, pointing at her fruit on the floor.

"One second baby," Akari said as his eyes scanned the card.

It read:

For the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. You deserve flowers too. I love you. -GiGi

A smile appeared on Akari's face when he realized they were for him. He'd never received flowers from someone before. He hadn't known any guy to receive flowers from their girlfriends or someone who wanted to get with them. He knew that some women gifted their men with things but flowers? For some reason that gesture was sweeter than any expensive gift a woman could give a man. At least to him, it was.

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