Chapter 57

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Among the woods, Tae-Hwan hands trembled as he fired the arrow towards Myung-soo.

He had seen the perilous situation Jayn is, and he takes the chance.

He hurriedly returned, not bothered about the result at all as he wants to report to his father in front of the nobles how the young general is being ambushed.

"Father!" Tae-Hwan called his father.

"Tae-Hwan, what is the matter?"

Byung-Hun has been talking with the other nobles. He looks towards his son with question.

Why had Tae-Hwan bothered him at this moment?
Doesn't he know that his father is busy talking with other people?

"Young General Kim is being ambushed!" Tae-Hwan answered.

Tae-Hwan had purposely run quite slowly so that Jayn can fight with them alone. He wants to know how that general face off seven assassins alone while protecting Myung-soo.

Even if he's still alive, his reputation will be sullied because he let a person wounded under his watch.

"What?" Byung-Hun is surprised.

No matter how much he hates Myung-soo for being weak, he's still his son. If he lets his son died without care, other people would come pointing at his face and cursed him.

For the sake of his reputation, Byung-Hun needs to put off a performance.

By the side, the other nobles have known that one of Byung-Hun son is hunting with Jayn.

If Jayn is ambushed by assassins, how is the condition of Byung-Hun son?

Byung-Hun wore the face of a worried father. "Lead me there!"

"Yes father!"

Among their group, the emperor is also there. He wore a complicated face. Some of his feeling hoped that the boy would die, but the other part doesn't.

The emperor had been discussing this matter with his minister and finally decides to let him alive to help him with a certain plan.

Now that this happened, the emperor is still in dilemma whether he should help him or not.

Finally, he chooses to look towards the representative.

"Representative Han, there is something unexpected happened. It's better if I look first."

Representative Han nodded and without the emperor noticed, there is cold glint in his eyes.

Both of them use their horses to follow the boy to the place where he sees Jayn had been ambushed.

Byung-Hun followed after Tae-Hwan to the place. Deep down he just want to end this farce as soon as possible.

But when they arrived at the place, a scene they would never forget comes to their vision.

The thick smell of blood permeates their nose and caused them to furrow their brows and after they come near, all of them nearly vomited.

A boy is standing on the pool of blood. His robe is dyed red, but his handsome face is still clean. His clear and cold eyes are looking towards the enemies who had been cut down.

On his back is a child who's still standing with eyes closed standing calmly as if there's nothing happened.

The boy clothes are also clean without any stain of blood.

They hear the boy said in weak voice, "Is it over?"

"Yes it is, but you're still not allowed to open your eyes," Jennie answered, then looks towards the people who come there.

"Apologize for this subject appearance. There's a battle here just now."

All of them could clearly see there are still some traces of the battle. Not to mention that the ground is fully dyed red from the battle.

Tae-Hwan has been scared silly and he didn't dare to do anything.

'It's over! He must have seen me firing that arrow!'

Jennie didn't bother with them and she washed her hands in the river. She cannot wash her clothes since it might expose her gender.

With her clean hand, she helped the boy to mount up on the horse. Myung-soo eyes are still closed because Jennie doesn't want the boy to see this scene.

The nobles have been throwing up on the side and retreated on their own.

Even the emperor hadn't expected to see such a scene when he arrived. He had heard about the skill of Jayn but to actually survive under the ambush of 7 people while protecting a boy, he's truly something.

Representative Han looks towards the scene calmly. It's as if he has been used with that scene and it didn't bother him in the slightest.

"Representative Han, I will return first."

The emperor wants to throw up too, but he didn't want to lose face in front of that person.

Representative Han only nodded as the emperor also retreated.

Jennie handed the horse with Myung-soo on top of it to Byung-Hun.

"You can bring him back, I'm sorry that I can't continue to bring him along."

"It's alright. Thank you very much," Byung-Hun answered with stutter.

He didn't expect that the young general would be this powerful. Now that Myung-soo is in his hand again, he had to protect him or else people would ask what had happened.

Jennie didn't bother with the retreating nobles as she turned towards the wolves corpses.

As they hurriedly return back, only Representative Han is still there.

Jennie raised her eyebrows towards the man. "Jisoo, are you going to stand there the whole day?"

Representative Han or Jisoo laughed when she heard Jayn inquire. "As I thought, you have already noticed my identity."

"There is no way a normal man would walk like you," Jennie retorted.

Jisoo smiled. Then she pointed towards the wolves. "Did you kill the wolves at the same time with the ambush?"

"It's before them. You should return first. Your brother will be worried about you."

"He won't," Jisoo answer with ease. "You should be careful, the people who sent the assassins must be someone powerful. These assassins are unordinary."

"I already know who they are," Jennie sits on the clean ground and tears up her sleeve. There is a deep mark of an arrow there.

"You have been shot?" Jisoo eyes widened.
'To kill those men with a wounded arm...Just how extraordinary is he?'

"There is a person plotting to kill  Myung-soo. I need to protect the boy," Jennie answered.

"But you shouldn't sacrifice your arm like that," Jisoo said.

"An arm for a life is worth it and it's not like I become a disabled person," Jennue smiled. "I only need to limit the use of my left arm, but for that person? By tomorrow he will be someone despised by the world."

Seeing the cold glint on Jayn eyes, Jisoo knows that the ending of that person won't be good.

Seeing that Jayn is adamant for her to leave, Jisoo retreated back wondering what her brother reaction would be if he knows about this.


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