Chapter 135

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Rosé put another pastry into her mouth, "I really like the pastries from that store. They are so good."

"What is the name of the store?" Jennie tilted her head in curiosity. She didn't know a lot of good stores from the capital, so she is pretty curious.

Rosé uttered a name and Jennie processed the name for a moment before she turns her head towards Jisoo. Her eyebrow arched a little as if asking, 'That was your brother's store, right?"

Jisoo nodded his head. He wonders how Jennie can possibly remember that name only from Jackson saying it to them once. 

That blabbermouth wouldn't think anything when he is drunk so he already kind of expecting that Jennie would know about it. Hmm...? He found there is something wrong with his thought, what is it?

Before Jisoo can sort out his thought, Rosé had called him, "Jisoo, didn't you say that there is a similar store with the same quality of that store? Do you remember the name?"

"Ah, I don't remember," Jisoo put an apologetic smile.

Jennie didn't really fond of eating pastries because it will make her fat (there is no way she could get fat with eating so little) and many of them are too sweet. Her mouth can't handle the food that was too sweet since she is used with more tasteless food and rarely eat the better one.

On the other hand, Rosé eats a lot because she needs a lot of energy for her practice. 

With her moving around so much, she would instead feel troubled if she didn't have a lot of good food. She already eats a lot of rice and the likes, so she wants to fill her stomach with the food she likes too.

"That's too bad, I want to try the pastries from there too," Rosé sighed.

"I will check the name after we get back," Jisoo promised. He searched his brain to remember the list of the store in this city. If he's not wrong, he puts them on second drawer...

Jennie smiled at the sight of their interaction. 

She stretched her hand but stopped midway and silently retracted them back. Her stomach suddenly acting up again and she could feel the pain increase even more. 

Does it mean she can't eat pastries during her period? This would be troublesome if she needs to meet with other ladies in the capital.

"What is it?" Rosé noticed that Jennie's complexion is not that good.

Jennie just waved her hand and said nonchalantly, "I'm just feeling full from eating the pastries. I'm not too fond with eating them too much."

Rosé pursed her lips. How could the other party say that she is full when she only eats a little bit?

Most of the pastries go into her stomach, not Jennie's. If she didn't know that Jennie is lying, she would be the dumbest girl ever.

Jisoo notices Jennie's expression and gesture before he understands what was going on. That damnable Lisa! 

He should have told him the truth and didn't speak in riddle like that. If the one who speaks to him in riddle is Jennie he would not mind because there were many things that women found embarrassing to mention.

Jisoo sighed and silently takes out a paper before writing several herbs name and their quantity on the side. When he meets with Lisa again, he will demand that man explanation. How dare he use him for free like this!

He passed the paper to Xia on the side, "Prepare this for your Miss. She would feel better afterwards."

Xia took the paper, but she looks towards Jennie for her instruction. There is no way she would follow other people order without hearing her Miss first.

Jennie nodded her head, "Do as she says."

"Yes Miss," Xia quickly scurried away and tells the servant to prepare them. 

Although some of the herbs written here are quite uncommon, their residence didn't lack in them at all, so it didn't take long for the servant to prepare everything.

Rosé looks towards Jennie with worry, "Are you sick?"

Honestly, Jennie wants to say that she is not sick since every woman experiences this. However, she knows that her reaction with her body condition might be the worst, so she chooses to nod her head.

"Well, I guess so. In my opinion, I'm sick."

"What kind of sickness?"

"Sickness from a long trip," Jennie immediately lies. 

Even if the other party is a woman and Jisoo is a doctor, she wouldn't want to say the truth. It was already embarrassing enough to have Lisa knows about that, so she better not say anything more to them.

Rosé took her word for granted, "Then you better rest. I will not bother you for a long time anymore. When you're healthy enough, let's play together."


Rosé stays for a while longer as the servants prepared the medicine Jisoo prescribed. When they are ready, Xia takes them to Jennie who drinks them with a scrunched face. 

The medicine feels bitter and leaves a bad taste in her mouth. Even if she had eaten a lot of not so good food, this might be one of the worst in her life.

Jisoo coughed to have her attention and explain himself: "Good medicine usually tastes bad. You will feel better in a while."

Jennie nodded her head. Inside her heart, she hopes that she wouldn't need to drink this medicine again next time. It would be a torture if she had to drink this medicine every month. Though she can endure them pretty well, if she can avoid it, why not?

"Rest well, Jen Jen, I hope we can meet again during the Imperial  party," Rosé said sincerely.

Jennie nodded her head, but she feels slightly worry inside her head. 

During that time, she might not be able to meet with  Rosé since she needs to play her role both as Jayn and Jennie. 

After not changing her identity that often, she found that she feels rather troubled to keep both identities. After all, the two of them have a completely different life.

"Don't you have to be a guard at that time?"

"Well, I can sneak out, I guess," Rosé said and shrugged.

"..." the other person is by your side, you know?

Jisoo secretly reminds himself to never let his eye leave the girl during the party. He bids farewell to Jennie and leads Rosé to the carriage. When they walk out, Rosé remembers something.

"Oh yeah, I almost forget. How did you know what Jennie's illness even without checking on her?" she asks curiously.

Jisoo stopped his movement for a moment as his lips curled up into a smile, "It's pretty obvious. I'm a good doctor."

"I see," Rosé accepted his reasoning. 

She never saw him treat other people and she also rarely sick, so she doesn't know that he wouldn't have known about other people sickness just by seeing them. 

This case is an exception because he knows about women condition from learning and guessing.


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