Chapter 145

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Yeji moved without delay towards the pond, taking off her outer robe and jumped into the water.

 The officials are all stunned and unable to comprehend what had happened when the second splashed of water is heard.


"Don't." Lisa's hand is held back by Jackson and Jackson's eye is solemn. 

Although they would usually banter with each other, they know the times to get serious and there are matters which they cannot touch casually. 

 Jackson's gaze had made Lisa remembers, this is the palace and the emperor would surely find things he could take advantage of them. 

Usually, they would keep their conversation at banter to make people thought that they are only 'friends'.

He turned his gaze towards the water. This time, they cannot make the emperor pointed to them that they are acting inappropriate towards woman. 

Or, if Lisa  were to go towards the lake and jumped into the water to save Jennie, they would know about the special relationship between Kim and Manoban family.

Yet, despite knowing the risk, Lisa wants to help her. He finally realizes it, he had indeed fallen for her albeit a little bit. If something were to happen to Jennie, he wouldn't be able to forgive Byung-Hun.

Forcing his feeling down, Lisa stared back. "I know. Thanks."

Jackson nodded. He slipped in into the crowds and stays away from Lisa as his best friend's gaze never leaves the water again. The fury within his eyes becomes more apparent as time goes by.

Actually, Jennie is fine. She was holding her breath and carefully let herself stay underwater. She looks at the coming Yeji and nodded her head. 

Yeji hold her Miss arm and swim upwards, only when they are near did she circle her arms around Jennie waist and showed up on the surface.

She moved towards the further shore and gently put Jennie on it while at the same time blocking their view towards her Miss. 

Ha-Nee had slipped in during the commotion and handed back 'Jayn's' coat to Yeji who used it to wrap Jennie to the point nothing can be seen from outside anymore before carried her in her embrace. Despite Jennie actually conscious, she closes her eyes tightly and didn't move.

Despite feeling nervous, Ha-Nee remembers Jayn's words and try her best to stay calm in this situation. All in all, she had experienced much harder things in the household during these pasts few months. 

Ha-Nee and Yeji both cooperated to block Jennie from other people's view causing them unable to look at her at all. 

Not even a single bit is leaked out to their view.

Yeji stared coldly at Byung-Hun. With her actual profession as an assassin, her gaze is also filled with murderous aura. 

She strode outside while carrying Jennie on her arms. Ha-Nee wants to follow, but she didn't do it and only stayed behind while looking towards Byung-Hun. What happened with her father?

Lisa hand is still clenched in a tight fist. Only his eyes had turned somewhat calmer when he sees that Jennie is fine. 

He cannot actually see her because Yeji and Ha-Nee's blocking, but he knows that she must be feeling cold from being underwater for so long. 

Although this is already spring, the water is still relatively cold because of the change of season.

He walked to the hall and when he passed by Jackson, he said in a cold tone. "You clean them up."

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