Chapter 153

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Krystal steps forward and smiles to change the topic.

"What if we watch the show?"

Jennie's eyebrows rose. The show? Is it interesting? She looks towards Yeji who is also looking at her, waiting for her instruction.

"Then, let's go."

Krystal's eyes moved toward 'Jayn'. She wants that attention towards her. The boy's eyes are always looking for his sister and he didn't bother looking at her.

The show location is not far. It's a simple show of dancers which Jennie didn't have much interest in. 

Her eyes started to wander around when she looks at the two men who are walking leisurely and quickly hides her face. She remembers that Lisa told her that they are going to meet at the festival, but she doesn't really want to see him.

The people started to move which makes the four of them separated. Jennie can easily detect where they are, but she didn't bother looking for them and moved back from the crowd. 

Ten appeared before her and stared at the girl before him.

She was still wearing a veil, blocking most of her face. But, that fair complexion on her skin and those crystal clear eyes are truly beautiful. This is the first time he pays close attention to her and noticed just how pretty she is.


If only she didn't come from The Kim Family and have a connection with that annoying general, he might be able to get her. Unfortunately, he could only resort to petty tricks if he really wants to get her.

Jennie stared at the man. "General Ten, don't you know proper manner?"

Ten laughed. Why should he know the proper manner in front of her? Somehow, he feels that this girl is not bad. But will Jayn do something to him if he were to do something to her?

Before he could do anything, an item passed between them.

Jennie's eyes narrowed slightly because she knows that the distance between that item, which she recognizes as a dart, and Ten is merely a few millimeters. If that man walks just a little more, he would get hurt by the sharp blade.

"Who's there?" Ten asks angrily. He is one of the young promising generals in the Ming Kingdom, who dares to hurt him?

Unknown to them, Lisa has been standing near them for some time already. He looks towards the two of them calmly. "I didn't know that the Lan family has failed on guiding their son to the point of showing disrespect towards a princess."

He had noticed the eyes Ten held when he looks towards Jennie, that was the eyes of a beast. As a man, how can he not know the meaning behind that gaze? Inside his heart, he vowed that he wouldn't let him get any closer to this girl.

Ten looks at Lisa. "Just because you have a title as a prince, it doesn't mean you're invincible."

He's genuinely angry. If Lisa has the slightest intention to hurt him, he won't be able to stand here anymore. That dart has clearly shown their difference in power.

"If you have the capability, why don't you try taking the title from me?" Lisa arched his eyebrows, provoking the other party.

The offer from Lisa tempted Ten very much. He wants to have the title of prince because he knows that it's the greatest honor he could receive. 

However, he is not that naive to think that he could beat Lisa with his martial arts and leadership capability. After all, the fact showed that he had lost against the other party.

"Will you really be willing to part with that title?" Ten asks.

Lisa stares back, his eyes as deep as the ocean, "Why don't you try?"

His voice is filled with confidence that he won't lose against the other party. Ten knows that he might not have any chance to beat the other party, but this is a chance that he doesn't want to miss no matter what. That title is not something that can be given so lightly!

"What do you want to compete in?" Ten asks, indicating that he accepted the other party's challenge.

"You can challenge me in anything you want," Ten answered back.

Seeing these two men suddenly having a bout, Jennie feels rather speechless. It is one thing for them to have a bad relationship with each other and a different thing to actually clash against the other party in the middle of a day like this.

Do the two of them have a blood feud? 

From what she remembers, they only have a bad relationship because Lisa is far better than Ten. Did she miss the news again? She is pretty sure that she had heard everything that happened during these times...

Oblivious that she is the reason Lisa provokes Ten, Jennie moves slightly behind Lisa. She doesn't really want to see that annoying Ten and his annoying eyes that he uses to look at her previously.

"What about archery?" Ten's eyes gleamed. He hears that Lisa is a general who uses a sword, but never the others. If he challenges the other party with archery, he might have a chance to win.

Lisa's expression didn't change as he nodded, "Sure. Let's go there."

Ten nodded and the two of them started walking towards the pretty spacious area where they could battle.

 Jennie looks around and after ascertaining that Yeji is not near her, she decides to follow after these two. Their battle might be something interesting to look at.

The two of them borrowed the bow and arrow from the nearby stands. Ten looks towards the bow in his hand with furrowed brows. He's not really familiar with a bow this heavy, but he should be able to lift it easily for a couple of minutes.

"What would you do if you lose?" Lisa put his title on the stake, but there is no way Ten can put his puny title on the stake.

Ten looks towards Lisa, "What do you want?"

"For you to never bother with us anymore and half of your store," Lisa answered leisurely.

Ten's mouth twitched a little. As the future successor of the Lan Family, he had gotten a hold of numerous stores despite their being only a portion of his family's wealth. If he lost half of them, he cannot imagine what his father is going to do to him.

Wait... he said 'us'. Ten secretly looks towards the little girl and wonder what her relationship with Lisa could be. 

She didn't look close to him. Could it be he's doing this because of Jayn? After all, the little boy had saved him in a battle previously.

Weighing the pros and cons, Ten finally nodded his head, "Deal."

"Shall I go first?" Lisa asks.

"The one who goes first has the disadvantages, you know?" Ten doesn't want this man to give him a handicap. His pride is not that cheap.

"I want to go first not to give you an advantage," Lisa prepares his bow and aimed towards the mark dozens of meters away, "I'm just saving you the effort to try."

"What are you...?" Before Ten finished his sentences, Lisa already shoot his arrow towards the target. Within seconds, the arrow reaches the target and pierces it deeply. 

In the next seconds, the target cracks and break with the arrow as the center.

'What a terrifying power,' Jennie thought in her mind as she looks towards that arrow. If the distance is not this short, that one arrow might not break the target. 

However, even she herself doesn't have the confidence to shoot that hard. This arrow truly crushed all hope for Ten.

Ten gnashed his teeth. With this result from Lisa , he knows very well that there is no way he could defeat Lisa. His arrow has never broke the target in this distance. 

Then he remembers the wager from before... his heart bleeds at the thought of the stores he had lost. He was obviously being conned.


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