Chapter 2

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Kristine's P.O.V

I was waiting down stairs for Cole and everyone. For they were gonna come with us to go look for a wedding planner.

Best thing is my Uncle said he'll pay for the wedding like he did Daphne's.

"You guys ready," I yelled up the stairs.

Soon came sliding down the railing was Gabe and David.

"Hi baby sis," Gabe said as he gave me a peck on the cheek.

"How's are favorite sister," David asked?

"What you do," I asked both of them.

"Why do you think we did something," Gabe asked all butt hurt.

I gave him the look. My really gonna ask look.

"We didn't do anything we just wanna talk to you," David said.

"What is it," I asked?

"Are you sure you wanna marry Cole," Gabe asked?

"Of course I do," I replied.

"Just making sure," David implied.

"Don't worry Cole is the one and the only one I'll ever love," I told them both.

They both smiled.

Soon everyone came downstairs. We all climbed into are assigned cars. I rode with Cole in his. As Dalton and Cloe in the back.

We soon got to the wedding planners Los angles.

I got out of the car with Coles hand in mine. we walked in.

To see so many different plates, tables, colors and everything you expect to see in a wedding.

"Hi I'm Wendy, you must be Mr.Pendery and soon to be Mrs.Pendery," Wendy said. "So who have you brought along with you."

"Are best friends, my brothers and my cousin," I answered.

"Nice to meet you, so have you guys picked your bridesmaids and grooms," Wendy asked.

"That's them," Cole replied smiling towards the guys.

"Well how long have you guys been engaged now," Wendy asked?

"Almost two months."

"How'd you guys meet?"

"Through my cousin Will," I said pointing to Will.

"Wow good job cousin," Wendy said. "Can I see the ring?"

I showed her my ring. I still find it hard to believe that's on my finger.

"Good now all we have to do today is pick the date," Wendy said.

I thought about it.

"We'd to have are wedding on July 20th," I said.

Cole kissed me on the forehead.

"Why that date," Wendy asked?

"It's in the middle of my brother Justin's birthday and my cousin Daphne's," I told her.

"How sweet, you got it next year or this year," Wendy asked.

Right now it was August.
I looked at Cole for this was his choice.

"I'd say this year, I just wanna marry her already," Cole replied.

Wendy smiled.

"Alright sign here," Wendy said. "Than we'll plan appointments for the flowers and everything."

We nodded.

"Alright what color theme did you want," She asked.

"Blush pink and white," I replied.

"Alright I'll send you emails of when you have appointments, and are we gonna see fiancé there too," Wendy asked?

Cole nodded. "And are moms are gonna be tagging along."

Wendy smiled. "Alright see you on the 20th."

We nodded and walked out.

We all decided to drive to Mel's for lunch.

We all sat down.

"The date is set, and I can't wait to marry you," Cole whispered only I can hear.

And it's true I can't wait to marry him either.

Surprises Await (IM5 Fanfiction)5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora