Chapter 11

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Two months later...

The wedding is almost here. And I shockingly I don't have that big of a baby bump yet.

I'm just so excited for the wedding and my baby on its way.

I'm appointment book. Jill was able to get me to be on Randy to the rescue to look for my wedding dress.

And I'm so excited.

Than I have to help the girls look for brides maids dresses.

Than help pick what decorations for the wedding. Like how do I want the farm to look like.

I already have an idea. But just gotta make sure it can actually happen.

Than I have the Ultra sound as well. Cole is for sure coming with me for that. So is David and Gabe. Including are moms. And my cousins Até Ashley and Joanne. And my Nanay.

I hope we all fit in that room.
First the wedding dress.

"Alright whose ready to be on randy to the rescue," Cloe asked?

For the girls were coming. Same with Gabe and David. My Uncle Kuni, Dad,Mom, Coles Mom, and my Nanay as well. Even my cousins. My twin cousin Chedrick, Até Ashley and Joanne, Diego and Bella, practically all of them on my moms side.

Soon we all got into the vans. And drove there.

Once we got there. I couldn't help but feel excited.

We got a special room apparently. Were the first I'm the first out of all like Kim Kardashian and stuff to go to randy for my dress.

"Hi I'm Lucy, I'll be helping you find your dress," Lucy said." and my daughter is such a fan of you Angelz."

"Hi I'm Kristine and thank you after this would she like tickets for are next concert," I asked?

She nodded.

"Well tell me what's your price," Lucy asked?

I looked at my Uncle Kuni.

"Any price as long as Kristine is in love with the dress," Uncle replied.

Lucy nodded. "Nice so any specifics."

"I'm more of a gown wedding dress something I can still breath when I'm already nervous of the wedding," I told her.

"Understandable, now who have you brought with you," Lucy asked?

"I've brought my parents, my finances mom, my Nanay, brothers, uncle, all the Angelz and my brothers David and Gabe," I told her.

"Well nice to meet all of you," Lucy said. "Now let's look for your dress.

"Can we help," Chelsea asked?

Lucy nodded.

With that we all looked.

First one was a white huge ball gown. That had the straps on the sides. It even had little cute pink floral details on the top and going down the skirt.

It was pretty.

I stepped out.

"I like that,"I heard Coles Mom say.

"I like the little flowers," My mom said.

"Same, but I don't feel it's me," I told them.

The girls nodded in agreement.

I went back in.

The next one was a one shoulder gown with a belt in the middle. It was really pretty. And very unique.

But the belt made it a little tight around my stomach.

I walked out.

"Ooo that's unique," My Até Ashley said.

I nodded.

"What do you feel," Até Joanne asked?

"I like it but the belt doesn't give me the room I want," I told them.

They all nodded.

"I think I have the dress," Chelsea said coming back with a dress in her hand.

I went inside and slipped into the dress.

It was a strapless sweet heart line. It had little flower patterns and a silver belt around the waist. And the belt didn't squeeze me around the. Belly.

I couldn't stop looking at myself in the mirror.

I couldn't help be teary. Imagining Cole seeing me in this gown.

I walked out.

I heard everyone gasped.

"I think this is it," I told everyone.

I turned around so I was facing all of them.

I can see my Nanay tearing up a little. Same with my mom and Coles mom.

"I can't believe you've grown up so much," my mom said.

"To think you and Cole had just met three years ago," Coles mom implied.

"Cole is one lucky guy," My uncle said.

I saw a tear or two.

Soon we all went into the make up and hair.

They curled my hair. And did my make up. While Chelsea was watching.

Than they placed a silver rose tiara and the veil and placed it on my head. I walked out.

I saw my mom sobbing now.
Than I saw the mirror.

This is who I am.

I'm Kristine Dato soon to be Kristine Pendery and I can't be anymore happier.

In 2 more months Cole will see me in we will get to say I do.

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