Chapter 18

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Kristine's P.O.V

"Okay you have your shoes, clothes in your luggage," Cole asked as he was packing for me.

I would do it but he said he doesnt want to exhaust me out.

I nodded.

"Okay what else am I..." Before Cole can continue freaking out I crashed my lips onto his.

"Stop freaking out everything is gonna be fine over tour," I told Cole.

Cole look at me than sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Okay okay I'm good," Cole told me.

"You've got everything let me just pack the emergency baby bag," I told him.

Cole nodded. "What would I do without you? "

I smiled at that. I pecked his lips than pushed him on to the bed as I walk to the babies room.

"I love you," I heard Cole say.

I stuck my head back in.

"I love you too."

With that I grabbed the baby bag. Which had blankets. And baby stuff in case i accidentally give birth.

Well thats it were ready.


"That should be them," I said as I walked down the stairs. "Cole get the bags. I'll send one of the guys to help."

I opened the door.

"Hey Kristine," Dalton said as he grabbed the baby bag.

"Hi Dana help Cole with the bags," I told him.

Dana nodded.

"Here cousin let me help you," Will said.

I nodded as I have him by my side helping me to the bus.

As we got there I was bombarded by with hugs by the girls.

"Oh my kristine," Layla shocked as she saw my belly.

"Tell me about it," I said. "Where's Cole and Dana?"

"Why," Gabe asked as he came out of the bus.

"The babies and I are hungry, they have my snacks and stuff in one of the bags," I replied.

"I'll go get sis relax here," David said as he pecked my cheek.

Soon I saw him coming back with Dana and Cole behind him.

"You okay babe,"Cole asked?

"Yes, but the babies are hungry and craving nutella," I told him.

With that Cole looked through one of the bags to find.


"Here you go," Cole said as he handed me a jar and spoon.

I took a bite.

"Wow so they are you babies," Gabe commented. "More to fight over nutella Waffles."

"If its my god children I dont mind," Will added.

"Well lets get me and my fat ass on the bus so we can start a tour," I told them.

With that I got on the bus. And once I got to the back.

Laid on the bed. Hope this was a good idea.

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