Chapter 22

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Kristine's P.O.V

I followed Cole out to what seems like a rose garden.

It was beautiful.

"Cole did you do this for me," I asked?

Cole nodded.

"You know when Will told us that his cousin was moving In with us. I didn't know what expect," Cole said.

That's how exactly I felt coming here.

"I actually had the same feeling. When I was told I was moving in with Will. I thought it was with his parents. Not a bunch of guys."

"But your glad you did right," Cole asked?

I looked at him and his brown eyes.

"Of course, for you are the best thing that walked into my life. Ever since Justin died and when my parents left. All I kept getting was pain thrown at me," I replied. "And after I met you. All that started going away. Good came back as the bad went away."

"And I'll continue to make that pain be gone. For I'm never letting anything bad happen to you. Or to Nicholas and Yasmin."

"I love you Cole and I promise to make you happy."

"I love you Kristine and you already do."

With that I was met with the same lips I had fallen in love with.

Now you can say life is finally where it should be. No more drama, pain, just love and happiness. And I couldn't be anymore happier about it.

The end.

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