Chapter 14

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Kristine's P.O.V

2 weeks till the wedding...

Beep beep

The wedding is just around the corner. I can't believe it's almost here.

Right now I'm on my way to check everything little detail to make sure it's still in.

Than I fly over back to the farm. To marry the man of my life.

And be with him forever...

"Hi Wendy," I said as I came in.

"Hello dear, so everything is about to be sent to the farm," Wendy told me.

"Can I check to make sure everything is right," I asked?

Wendy nodded. "Of course."

With that I saw all the stuff for one event. And it was all right.

You'd expect me to be a bridezilla but I'm not. I actually don't really care if everything's wrong.

For I'm alrighty all set on everything being prepared when I see Cole when I walk down the aisle.

"Well I'll see you on the farm,"Wendy said as I walked with her outside.

With that I saw Cole waiting for me.

I climbed in and was met with a pair of lips.

"Hi, you," I said once I saw those brown eyes.

"Hi so I got your bags, Chelsea has your dress and everything else," Cole told me.

I smiled. "Lets do this."

2 weeks later...

Beep beep...

"Common Baby Girl time to wake up," I heard my Grandpa Joe said waking me up.

I opened my eyes. To see my dress and everything I need for this day.

I looked at my Grandpa...

"Today's the day," Grandma said coming in with my breakfast.

"Grandma I'm getting married don't need to go overboard," I told her.

"This wasn't my idea, it's from Mr.Fiance," Grandma said.

At that my phone rang...

"Good morning beautiful," Cole spoke over the phone. "Guessing you got my breakfast in bed."

"I did, and you are too sweet," I told him as I took a bite of fruit.

"Well you deserve I can't wait to see you down that aisle and fall in love with you all over again," Cole said to me making me blush. "Your blushing aren't you?"

"No," I said trying to hide it.

"Don't need to lie, I find it cute when you blush," Cole implied.

"Your lucky I love you," I reminded him.

"I know, and I love you too," Cole said. "I'll see you later as I try to resist kissing you as you walk down the aisle."

"Haha, I love you Mr.Pendery," I told him.

"I love you soon to be Mrs.Pendery."

Soon I heard his side hang up.

"Knock knock," I heard the door open.

I look to see the girls walk in. They all had their hairs all ready and pretty.

"Hi Rosie," Tori said as she laid on my lap.

"Are you ready for today," Chelsea asked?

"I've been waiting for this since Cole asked me to marry him," I
Replied. "And I am so happy to have you girls as my brides maids."

"Tori as the maid of honor," Cloe said.

"I love you girls, your my best friends forever," I told them.

Soon we just talked in the room. And by that time it was 12:00. 5 hours till the wedding.

"Now enough with this fun, time to make you a hot bride," Chelsea said.

"And it's gonna make it hard for Cole to turn away," Layla sassed.

We all laughed.

With that Chelsea went straight to work.

I hopped in the shower. After I was done. I changed into a tank top and shorts.

Chelsea put in hair curlers. As we waited for it to curl he went straight to my make up and nails.

Creme painted nails. And black eyeliner using crayon and brown eyeshadow giving my the common Filipino smokey look.

2 hours in. I changed into my dress. Slipped on the garter and heels.

Than Chelsea removed the curlers and placed the rose tiara with the veil in my hair.

I got up and spritz on some perfume.

I than got up and looked into the mirror.

Which got the girls attention.

"Rosie," Amanda said as I saw her tear up.

"No crying or else your gonna make me cry," I told her as I did the fan to the eye thing.

"I am so happy for you and Cole," Cloe said as she was holding a smirky smile.

"What is it bubbles," Chelsea asked?

"Well it's Dalton he proposed," Cloe said.

"Omg Cloe, when," Layla asked?

"By the rose garden like yesterday," Bubbles replied.

"Looks like life as fallen into place," Chelsea mentions.

I smiled. Haha this isn't the end of a IM5 and Angelz wedding.

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