Chapter 12

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Kristine's P.O.V

Four days has passed since I got my dress and 2 months since I found out I was pregnant.

Cole and I are so happy we're gonna have are own family.

We always sing to he and she.

And we decided on the names.

Boy Cole Justin

Girl Katherine Daphne

It was actually Coles idea to give them both Daphne and Justin name as there middle names.

Right now we were at the park by the house. Cole was laying on my lap and playing with my hand like he always does.

"I never thought this would ever happen," I spoke.

For its true. I thought I would still have Andy on my case by now.

Scared to fall in love for they would be hurt...

"Well it is, and you don't know how happy you've made me Kristine,"Cole implied. "I promise to be the best husband and father."

Cole kissed my belly than kissed me on the lips. Which turned to a make out.

Soon we broke away.

"Wanna sing to it," I asked Cole.

He nodded.

"Are baby he or she hopefully will get your eyes," Cole said.

"I hope they get your amazing charm," I told him.

With that he smiled and pecked me one more time.

"What song would you like to sing today," Cole asked?

It was like read my smile he ran to the car to grab the keyboard.

"A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true."

I couldn't help but smile big.

"What are you think about," Cole asked me?

"I imagined are life with are child would be like," I told him. "And I can't wait to be there for him or her. And I'm not gonna be the way parents did to me."

Cole smiled. Kissed my head.

With that we got up. And drove to are ultra sound appointment.

I walked in with Cole on my side and same with my Nanay.

I sat on the bed.

"How is everyone doing today," the doctor asked. "I'm doctor Rob. Sorry doctor Phil is on vacation. But don't worry I'll take care of you."

I nodded.

"Alright so would you like to know the sex or would you like it to be a surprise," Doctor Rob asked?

"We wanna know the sex," Cole told him as held my hand.


"Who have you guys brought," Dr.Rob asked?

"My mom and Coles, My nanay, my cousins Joanne and Ashley, than my brothers David and Gabe," I replied. "But my Uncle..."

"I'm here not seeing anything till I'm not here," Uncle said.

I smiled. He took my other side. Both him and Cole were siting by my head.

My Nanay by my feet with my cousins. My mom and Coles by Cole. Than Gabe and David by my side.

"Alright warning this will be cold," Doc Rob said. "You'll be seeing everything right there."

He pointed to what look like a monitor.

Soon he placed the thing on my stomach and he was right it was cold.

"Sorry," Dr.Rob said.

"It's cool," I told him.

I looked at Cole. I can see the excitement in his face.

I stroked his hand. He looked at me and gave me a peck on the lip.

"Alright we got something," Dr.Rob said.

But I saw was what looked like two heads and two bodies.

"Wait there's two heads," David pointed out.

Doctor nodded.

"Congrats you'll be having twins," Dr.Rob said.

I looked at Cole he started tearing up. I kissed his cheek.

"What gender," My mom asked?

"Boy and a girl," doctor Rob said.

I couldn't help but smile.

I am so happy. My life is changing for the good.

I just wish Daphne and Justin were here to see it.

I looked at Cole and see started tearing up.

"Aw Cole," I said as I wiped his tear.

"I'm just so happy I have you and now my two kids who I can't wait to see," Cole said.

I laughed.

I never thought I would be married. Let along be a mom.
Hopefully I can succeed.

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