4 - Greek History Lesson

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A/N: The video on the right is a little teaser of the scene seen here in this chapter. It isn't perfect but it's my script in a video which I think so totally amazing! Though it may not be the perfect adaption of my story, it's a terrific start and how cool is it to see my words come to life in a video? I think it's awesome! Check it out! 


"You're joking," Nate accused. A scowl replaced my smile as I glared at him.

"I figured you of all people would believe me," I muttered after a minute.

Nate shook his head then glanced down at his watch. "This has been great and all but I got to go back and walk the bear.

He stood taking his drink with him and started toward the door. I glanced back at Brooke who was looking at me with questioning eyes.

I stood up, grabbed my drink, and then ran after him. He was standing on the curb of the street unsuccessfully hailing a cab.

"Fine, I will come with you," I announced as I joined him at the curb. Nate looked over at me surprised.


I rolled my eyes. "I'm coming. With. You."

"You can't come with me!"

"Too bad," I said with a shrug. "You're stuck with me."

"Great," Nate mumbled and continued to try and hail a cab. He failed to get even the attention of a taxi. I stepped in front of him and held out my hand. Immediately one cab pulled over and I opened the door for Nate to get in.

He rolled his eyes at me but silently got into the cab anyway. I followed him inside with a huge smile on my face.

"It's just because you're pretty," Nate muttered bitterly under his breath.

I shrugged unaffected by his words. "Whatever works."

The cab took us to Nate's apartment but I refused to enter that place if it was still trashed. Nate had me wait outside the building while he got his dog. It took him about ten minutes but eventually he exited the building with the bear on a leash. The dog came over to me and a big drop of drool dropped from his mouth and onto my shoe.

"Gross," I murmured as Nate pulled the dog away and he started walking down the sidewalk. I noticed that he no longer had his drink while mine was still in my hand. I quickly caught up to him and we walked in silence for some time.

I studied him as we walked and noticed that he held the leash as if the dog wasn't even on it. Pyro seemed like he would be hard to walk if he just threatened to pull on his leash. I'm sure he could overpower me if he was in a full run but Nate controlled him very well.

"I wasn't aware Cupid could fall in love himself," Nate commented suddenly. I dropped my now empty coffee in a trash can as we passed it.

"He wasn't supposed to," I answered.

"I also thought Cupid was a baby with wings and a bow and arrow?"

"Those are called Cherubs and we stopped using them a while back."


"Because some stupid person gave a flying baby a weapon and told them to use it to shoot people. What would you do if you saw it coming for you?" I asked.

Nate nodded. "Point taken."

"I thought angels were supposed to have wings," I couldn't help but wonder. "Like in the movie Michael." Nate seemed a little confused so I explained further. "You know the movie with John Travolta? He played a fallen angel and he always wore an overcoat to hide his wings?"

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