Forgotten memories

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Yang's warning echoed through the air, "You won't get away with this!" as she flexed her gauntlets, preparing to strike the mysterious hunter. However, before she could make a move, the hunter swiftly turned a corner, prompting Yang to give chase, determined not to let him escape.


In the quiet moments that followed, Y/n found himself seated at a ramen house near a dust store, lost in his own thoughts. As he savored the flavors of his meal, a sudden commotion outside caught his attention. People were running down the street, creating a sense of urgency that compelled Y/n to pay and step out to investigate.

The scene unfolded as a robbery in progress, with the same voice that had questioned Y/n earlier now warning him, "Hey! You shouldn't come here! It's not safe!" The familiarity of the voice piqued Y/n's interest, and he unsheathed his katana, silently moving to assess the situation.

With heightened senses, Y/n discerned the presence of several individuals—three or four outside and two or three within the building. His sword in hand, he approached cautiously, prepared to confront the robbers without causing lethal harm.

As Y/n lunged towards the first robber, striking him with the dull side of his blade, a cry of pain echoed. The swift, calculated movements continued as Y/n subdued the second and third robbers, leaving them incapacitated on the ground. However, the unfolding drama was interrupted by a distinct voice.

"You were a waste of Lien, truly you were. Well, the infamous 'Scarfaced Swordsman! This was truly a beautiful show you have given to us! And as much as I'd love to stick around, I believe this show has gone off long enough!"

A sudden explosion rang through the air, and Y/n found himself disoriented. The deafening noise left him momentarily unable to hear, his senses overwhelmed. Amid the ringing in his ears, a desperate cry for help reached him, triggering a flood of memories.


In a distant memory, Yang, Ruby, and Y/n had ventured into a forest. While admiring a delicate spider lily, Y/n's acute senses detected rustling—a sign of danger. Suddenly, a demon attacked, and in the chaos that followed, Y/n lost his arm. To his dismay, Yang and Ruby, overwhelmed by fear, ran away, leaving him vulnerable and abandoned.

Blinded and scarred, Y/n found himself facing a demon, poised to strike. However, a mysterious figure intervened, preventing the final blow. As Y/n struggled to make sense of the chaos, the voice from his past called out again. "W-Where... Where are you both going! Help me, please!" The desperate plea brought back haunting memories of abandonment.

In a series of disjointed thoughts, Y/n whispered, "This... This is where I die." The demon, slowly approaching, triggered a cascade of emotions. Suddenly, the demon's attack was halted, and Y/n, half-expecting his demise, looked towards his unexpected savior.

"Who... Who are you?" Y/n's voice wavered, a mixture of gratitude and confusion lingering in the air. The threads of past and present, woven with pain and abandonment, began to unravel as Y/n sought answers from the enigmatic figure who had just altered the course of his fate.

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