Symphony of Blood and Mist

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Pyrrha's labored breaths filled the air as she clutched her wounds. "W-What... Why is your arm... you didn't have an arm... your eye-" Y/n remained silent, his attention now fixed on Gyutaro and Daki.

Overwhelmed by blood loss, Pyrrha succumbed to unconsciousness, leaving Daki to sneer at Y/n's transformed appearance.

"You look hideous. Eating my brother's arm like that is just pathetic!" Gyutaro added to the mockery, laughing, "Don't worry! It'll still be an easy kill!"

Y/n smirked, an unsettling calm in his demeanor, and responded, "We'll see about that." Gyutaro materialized before him, sickle aimed for Y/n's jaw.

In a swift motion, Y/n countered, severing Gyutaro's arm. "You've gotten faster, Gyutaro!" he taunted, lunging for Gyutaro's stomach, only to be blocked by Daki's Obi.

A powerful punch from Gyutaro sent Y/n crashing into a nearby building.

Unfazed by the collateral damage, fueled by demonic cells, Y/n returned to the fray.

He charged back, using the mist to shroud his movements.

Gyutaro, anticipating Y/n's attack, patiently awaited as the mist below him cleared, revealing Y/n. "Boo," Y/n taunted.

Gyutaro managed to block the strike but found himself kicked in the stomach, launching him skyward.

Before Daki could react, Y/n engaged her in a rapid hand-to-hand combo, delivering a hard punch that sent her sprawling.

Closing the distance to Daki, Y/n ran towards her, tuning out Gyutaro's enraged screams of, "Come back here, you little shit!" Y/n smirked, complying with Gyutaro's demand, running towards him with newfound bloodlust.

Y/n's eyes widened, a malevolent smile stretching across his face.

His unique semblance allowed him to manipulate mist, but there was another layer to his power – control over the water droplets within the mist.

With a forceful push, he propelled Gyutaro into a building, the sound of people's screams fueling his bloodlust.

"Come at me, Gyutaro!" Y/n screamed, using mist and water to create razor-sharp slashes that cut through Gyutaro and the surrounding area.

Laughter erupted from Y/n as chaos ensued. Daki attempted to aid her brother using her obi to attack, but her efforts were futile against Y/n's relentless assault.

"It's your annoying self again!" Y/n screamed, punching Daki in the stomach. Gasping for air, Daki was launched into the air, and Y/n employed water slashes to slice through her body.

Though she regenerated, the pain persisted as Y/n cut her once more before Gyutaro intervened, kicking Y/n into another building.

The ensuing chaos led to civilian casualties, further stoking Y/n's bloodlust. "Come on, Gyutaro! Daki! It's just getting fun!" Y/n dashed again, propelling both demons up a tall building in the district.

Gyutaro struggled to regain his composure, grappling with the realization that this mere human had become stronger than him just from consuming his arm. "Shit, shit, shit!" he screamed in frustration.

"It's okay, broth-" Daki's words were cut off as Y/n appeared before them, a wide blood-lusted smile on his face.

Clasping his hands together, he unleashed a devastating punch that sent her hurtling down a building, claiming the lives of dozens below.

Gyutaro, fueled by anger, punched Y/n in the stomach, only to be met with another onslaught of water droplet-shaped slices. Amidst the chaos, Y/n's voice echoed, "You can see it, Gyutaro! You can see my semblance technique!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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