Y/n's Date

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It was the day of Y/n's date.. He was nervous to say the least..

Hes never been in a date before. But he's gonna make sure not to disappoint.

Ginko sat on his shoulder.. leading the way to the park..

In Ginkos request she told him to wear a suit..

He wasnt familiar with it.. And seeing as he was blind most of his life, he didnt see the need to look good.

But Ginko was persistent..

In the park. 7 P.M.

Y/n: This suit is uncomfortable..

Ginko: Dosent matter! Its a necessity!Keh!!

Y/n walked down the streets of vale as Ginko led him to their meeting spot..

They reach the destination..

Y/n waits patiently as he fed Ginko some seeds..

"Y/n! Im sorry I took too long!" Velvet runned towards them panting.. She wore a beautiful dress that complimented her overall appearance..

Its a shame that Y/n couldn't see it..

Y/n and Velvet walked down the streets as they had conversations about school and missions..

As they talked, Y/n stomach began to rumble..

Velvet: Oh.. Are you hungry?

Y/n: Maybe..

Velvet giggled cutely

Velvet: Theres this Restaurant nearby.. Would you like to eat there?

Y/n nodded..

As they walked to the restaurant they see a large sign saying "No pets allowed"

Ginko: I guess I'll stay outside! Keh!!

Y/n: Are pets not allowed in here?

Velvet: It seems so.. Im sorry Ginko I didnt know.. Lets go somewhere else..

Ginko: No its not a problem! Just enjoy this date! Keh Keh!!

Velvet bowed down as Y/n gave Ginko a scratch on the chin It was fancy to say the least.. Fancy music, Beautiful chandeliers, It was a very expensive restaurant..

Nothing Y/n can't afford.

Velvet sat down getting herself comfortable while Y/n sat across from her..

We called the waiter as he approached our table with the menu in hand..

The waiter gave Velvet the Menu for very obvious reasons..

Velvet: May we.. get this and this..

Velvet points at the menu making sure not to get expensive meals..

The waiter wrote it down and then he winked at Velvet..

Waiter: May I perhaps get your number Ma'am?

The waiter said as he looked at Velvet with a smirk..

Velvet taken aback by this stuttered a little before Y/n stood up and slammed his hand on the table startling the Waiter..

Y/n: You're a waiter. Not a hooker. I suggest you do your job before you lose it.

Y/n said with a serious expression.. Velvet looked at Y/n with a blush in her face..

The waiter retreats back to the kitchen as Y/n sat back down.. He was oddly quiet.

Velvet: Thank you for helping me back there.. I dont often get asked out like that.. I apologize..

Y/n: You don't have to apologize..

Velvet blushed a little more feeling butterflies in her stomach..

Velvet started talking about her experiences in school and her life...

The date was going very well.. better than they expected

Y/n just listened to her as Velvet told her stories.. She almost seemed happier that she got to talk to someone about these..

Velvet had this shy personality which somehow Y/n found somewhat attractive..

The meal arrived which and as they digged in Velvet talked more she felt like she was overwhelming Y/n and annoying him with her talking..

Velvet: S-Sorry.. I talk to much..

She said fiddling her fingers on her lap as her bunny ears folded down..

But for Y/n it wasn't an issue.. He didnt complain once

Y/n: Hey.. dont apologize.. I like your stories..

Velvet: Really?..

Velvet looked up at Y/n as her Ears stood up once more..

He nodded with a smile that gave Velvet another set of butterflies..

Y/n: I really do..

He chuckled before speaking again

Y/n: I was actually worried that you found me boring..

Velvet: No No!.. I would never find you boring!

She said slightly raising her voice as if declaring it..

Y/n smiled at her again..

Y/n: Thats good to know.

Velvet smiled back at him giggling..

Y/n liked this feeling.. A feeling he hasn't felt before..

Was it love?..

Y/n and Velvet finished up their meal..

They left the restaurant as Ginko flew to his shoulder again..

The last few hours on the date was spent buying a couple clothes and shoes for Velvet.. Which she really was thankful about.
They wonderned nearby lake.. The moons reflection on the still waves.. The cool breeze on their skin..

Velvet: I really enjoyed this date, Y/n.. Thank you..

Y/n: I enjoyed it too.. I should be thanking you.. You made it enjoyable for me.

Velvet gave a small giggle before looking straight into Y/n's eyes..

Velvet: One more thing before I go..

Velvet stood on her tip toes giving Y/n a small peck..

Y/n and Velvet blushed heavily before Velvet ran off..

Velvet: Thank you for the date, Y/n!

She said before running back to campus..

Y/n stood still processing what happened..

Ginko: Keh! Keh! Congratulations, Y/n!

Y/n sighed not expecting it before walking back to campus as well..

This was one hell of a date..

As Y/n walked by an alley way.. Ginko spots a man wearing a white top hat with a suit.. His red eyes piercing into the skin of Y/n and Ginko..

As the man walked pass them the area felt heavy as Y/n felt uneasy by this mans mere presence..

As the man walked away Y/n retreated inside the alley way the man came from..

Inside was 3 corpses.. 1 of them almost indistinguishable..

Who the hell was that guy..

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