Y/n's Dilemma

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As Y/n walked in the halls with Ginko on his shoulder..

He was a little late for his first class.. seeing as he needed a little extra hours of sleep.

Y/n reached to his class. As soon as he opened the door.. he heard a few gasps..

Some students were surprised he was back.. and some were happy.

Mainly Pyrrha, Ruby, Yang and Velvet.

Ruby smiled seeing her younger brother awake and well again..

Y/n sat on a random seat.. listening to what Professor Port had to say about "his" stories..

Y/n was bored out of his mind before Ruby whispered to him..

Ruby: Hey.. Are you feeling better?

Ginko made Him and Ruby sit together..

Y/n: Ah.. uh.. yeah.. much better..

Ruby: Im glad.. I was worried that maybe you would've lost another arm..

Y/n: Im tougher than I was before, Ruby.

Ginko was positioned between them

Ruby: Ive never actually met Ginko properly.. Whats she like..

Ruby asked as she pats Ginko.. which Ginko surprisingly liked..

Y/n: She likes to eat.. alot.. and she would never let me have any other pets..

Ruby giggled as her hands rubbed the black silk-like feathers on Ginko..

Yang from her seat watched as the two siblings bonded with each other.. she smiles softly seeing Ruby acting like the big sister she is..

Yang was happy she had her little brother back..

Timeskip after class..

Ruby was munching on cookies that we bought in the cafeteria..

Ruby: Mmm!~

Y/n: You really do love your cookies dont you..

Yang: She always does..

Y/n: How's your hair Yang? been growing it out?

Yang: Mhm! Its beautiful dont ya think?

Y/n: Havent seen it.

Yang: Oh yeah..

Ruby giggled as Yang rubbed her nape as they walked in the halls..

The three of them bonding once again made Y/n remember all the memories he had kept deep inside his mind and heart.. He truely missed his family.

Yang: By the way.. Whats your relationship with Velvet?

Y/n: Velvet? oh.. were just friends..

Yang: Friends? Dosent look like it.

Y/n: Hm? What do you mean?

Yang: Well.. I mean she looks like shes into you!

Y/n: Into me?

Yang: Yeah! Shes totally into you!

Y/n thought about it.. until someone came up to them..

Pyrrha: Hello there, Y/n. How are you feeling?

Y/n: Pyrrha.. Im doing fine. How about you?

Pyrrha: Im fine too. Thank you for asking!

She said as she smiled at him with a small tint of pink on her soft skin..

Yang and Ruby looked at together and nodded.

Pyrrha: Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?

Y/n: Ah.. Im sorry, Im going out with someone else.. Maybe some other time?

Pyrrha: Ah.. I see..

Pyrrha looked heavyhearted.. But she couldn't control him..

Pyrrha: Have fun then!..

Y/n: I will.. thank you..

Yang and Ruby nodded at each other again..

Looks like Y/n had a love triangle.

And Y/n was completely clueless about it.

(If you guys wonder where Ginko was in all of this.. she just chills on Y/n's shoulder B))

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