The Demon Hunter in Beacon

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"Where.. Where am I.."

I thought to myself as I sit up to see the familiar sight of darkness. I felt as if I was wrapped by something.. like bandages

Is this a infarmary? why am I here.. oh right, I was blasted by that robber..

"Ah, I see you are finally awake. You have been knocked out for over a week. "

I face the doorway to find the source of the talking.

"I apologize for the sudden introduction. I am Ozpin."

Y/n nods as he stared at the direction of the talking as he stared with a blank stare.

Ozpin: I cannot help but notice how skilled you are with the blade even though you are blind. Where did you learn such skills?

Y/n: I.. I was trained..

Ozpin: By who?

Y/n: I.. cannot remember..

Ozpin nods as he sits down near the bed.

Ozpin: What is the "Demon hunter" Tattoo on your wrist?

Y/n: I am a trained Demon hunter.. Demons are.. Monsters.. different from Grimm.. Demons are human eating Monsters whose weakness is the Sun.. but Demon Hunters are assigned a special weapon made by a special type of ore named "Nichirin" which is found in a mountain that is bathed in the Sun..

Ozpin: Ah.. I see.. And how do we kill these demons?

Y/n: Using the Nichirin blade.. You decapitate the demon with it..

Ozpin: I see.. Do you know.. who I am?

Y/n shakes his head wondering why someone would talk to him in the first place.

Ozpin: I am the headmaster of the prestigious school, Beacon Academy. Do you wish to attend my school? It would be a wonderful thing if we have someone with the knowledge of demons in our academy.

Y/n: I apologize.. But as a Demon Hunter.. I have to be active whenever I can..

Ozpin: Ah, yes. of course, you will still be able to do your missions whenever it is needed.

Y/n nods as he takes another second of consideration.

Y/n: I accept.

Ozpin: Wonderful! I will see you there, Y/n Rose.


Y/n was in a vehicle on its way from the hospital to the School where he will attend for the next four years or so..

I couldn't help but be stuck in my own thoughts..

My enhanced hearing can only get me so far.. If the enemy uses something to mask their noise.. Im a dead man. What can I do.. What can I use..

"Were here."

The driver said as Y/n was snapped out of his thoughts.. He got out of the vehicle as he was escorted towards the school and was greeted by Ozpin..

Ozpin: Its great to see you today, Y/n.

They both then walked down the halls of the new school

Ozpin: Your classes start today at 8. Now remember. You started in this academy 3 years earlier than most of the students here.

Y/n nodded as he walked slowly listening to each and every talking, screaming and laughing.

Ozpin: This is your room. Now regarding your teammates. It will be up to me who and when you will be paired with groups to go on missions.

Y/n nodded as he got in his room.. He looked for the closet before finding it and getting his uniform from the inside and quickly changing to it.

As Y/n finished buttoning his uniform his crow, Ginko. shows up on his window..

Y/n: What time is it..

Ginko: CAW! Its 8:55! CAW!

Y/n nodded as Ginko flew on his shoulder and followed him

As Y/n walked down the halls.. he hears a commotion down the hall as he turned to see a group of students running his way.

Y/n ignored it but Ginko thought otherwise

Ginko: Hey! Can you all please shut up and walk! Its already loud in here as is! Keh!

"What the.. Is that a talking crow!?"

A certain blonde haired boy asked as he stared at the crow in shock

Ginko: What? Never seen a talking crow before?!? You all are seriously pathetic! Keh!

"Ohhh! It looks delicious!!"

A certain ginger said as she stared at Ginko drooling from the mouth.

Ginko then got mad and bit her cheek

"Ow ow ow ow ow! Hey! What was that for"

Ginko: You know what that was for!

Ginko said frustrated at them

Y/n: Ginko.. Come on.

Ginko then flew to Y/n shoulder as they walked away to class as Ginko looked back and "Hmph!" at them.

As Y/n walked down the hall towards his new class

"Ah! You must be the new student! I am Professor Port. Please wait outside for the time being"

Ginko: Dont take to long!! Keh!

As a few more students walked in I heard Professor Port introducing himself as he said "There will be a new student who will be joining us in class today" He then walked towards the door and said

Professor Port: Come on meet your new classmates!

As we both walked in he positioned you in the middle of class..

You heard a few murmurs as Professor Port said

Professor Port: This is your new classmate! Please introduce yourself.

Y/n: My name is.. Y/n..

Professor Port: Full name please!

Y/n: Y/n.. Rose..

Y/n Rose..

a few gasps were heard.. specifically from a certain rose and a fiesty yellow haired girl..

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