Mark of Resolve

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Gyutaro swung his sickle at Y/n, but Y/n skillfully blocked it, managing to chip Gyutaro's blade in the process.

Sensing an opening, Gyutaro mocked Y/n about his supposedly weak blade.

Unfazed, Y/n attempted to outmuscle Gyutaro, even trying to kick him away. However, Daki intervened, disrupting Y/n's plans.

Growing increasingly frustrated, Y/n turned his attention towards Daki, attempting to slash her.

Gyutaro swiftly appeared to assist his sister, thwarting Y/n's attacks.

Gyutaro teased Y/n, stating he wouldn't allow any harm to come to Daki.

In a bold move, Y/n slashed at Gyutaro's hand.

Despite his efforts, Gyutaro countered with his blood sickles, cutting Y/n's thigh. Simultaneously, Pyrrha attempted to strike Gyutaro from behind, only for him to kick her away along with Y/n.

As Y/n and Pyrrha crashed into a nearby building, Pyrrha assessed her injuries.

Feeling a sense of helplessness, she punched the floor, questioning her strength against these formidable demons.

She pondered how she could aid Y/n when she struggled to help herself.

Amidst the rubble, Pyrrha expressed her frustration, acknowledging her limitations.

Y/n, surprisingly, seemed undeterred by the situation, prompting Pyrrha to ask if he was alright.

Y/n, grabbing his sword and standing up, responded with a confident "Never felt better."

Y/n's demeanor shifted to a smile, and he suggested, "Hey, Pyrrha... call Jaune and the others."

Gyutaro and Daki, approaching menacingly, paid little attention to their conversation.

Gyutaro, chuckling, continued to approach the duo.

His arrogance was cut short when Y/n suddenly appeared, swiftly slashing his blade towards Gyutaro's neck.

In a desperate attempt, Gyutaro pulled back, narrowly avoiding a fatal blow.

Y/n's speed caught Gyutaro off guard, and he tried to retaliate with his blood sickles. However, his efforts were in vain as Y/n's blade effortlessly severed his hands.

Enraged, Gyutaro regenerated his hands and launched a ferocious counterattack.

Y/n's attempt to slash Gyutaro's hand failed, leading to a quick and decisive response from the Upper Moon. Y/n and Pyrrha were slammed into the building, feeling the impact of Gyutaro's ruthless assault.

While Pyrrha dusted herself off, nursing her severe injuries, she couldn't shake a sense of inadequacy. "Goddamnit," she muttered, berating herself for perceived uselessness.

She questioned how she could help Y/n when she struggled against these demonic adversaries.

Y/n, seemingly unfazed, stood up, prompting Pyrrha to inquire about his well-being. Y/n, displaying a confident smile, reassured her that he had never felt better.

As Y/n stretched, preparing for the ensuing battle, he turned to Pyrrha and made a request, "Hey, Pyrrha... call Jaune and the others."

Gyutaro, recovering from the skirmish, approached them once again.

His taunting words were abruptly halted as Y/n appeared behind him, swiftly slashing his blade towards Gyutaro's neck.

Gyutaro, taken aback, barely managed to pull back, saving himself from decapitation.

The sudden burst of Y/n's speed left Gyutaro disoriented, and attempts to counter with his blood sickles proved futile as his severed hands fell to the ground.

Undeterred, Gyutaro, fueled by desperation, initiated a powerful transformation.

As red blades emerged from his body, he grappled with a deep frustration, resenting the fact that an Upper Moon like him could be overpowered by a seemingly lowly human.

Meanwhile, Daki, regenerating after the earlier assault, heard Pyrrha's muttered frustration. Seizing the opportunity to mock her, Daki laughed and taunted, "Your little boyfriend is probably dead now... HAHAHAHA! What a shame... he was very handsome."

Pyrrha, angered by Daki's remarks, grew increasingly determined. Daki continued to provoke her, asserting that Y/n's demise was inevitable.

Pyrrha, marked with newfound strength and resolve, retaliated by throwing her spear towards Daki.

Daki, with her agile reflexes, blocked the spear using her obi.

However, Pyrrha's strategic move allowed the spear to pierce through, stabbing Daki in the chest.

Despite the injury, Daki, registering the pain, prepared to retaliate.

Pyrrha, fueled by determination, surprised Daki by swiftly grabbing the embedded spear.

Daki, caught off guard by Pyrrha's sudden burst of speed, found herself overpowered as Pyrrha slammed her head onto the floor, stomping on her chest.

Pyrrha, with an intense glare and unwavering determination, declared, "This ends here."

Despite Daki's attempts to resist, Pyrrha managed to overpower her. However, Gyutaro showed up, laughing hysterically, and kicked her away from Daki.

Gyutaro swiftly attacked Pyrrha, screaming, "YOUR LITTLE GUY THERE WASN'T MUCH OF A PROBLEM!"

Pyrrha feared the worst as she witnessed Y/n lying next to a piece of Gyutaro's severed arm, blood exiting his mouth.

In shock, Pyrrha screamed for Y/n to wake up, but there was no response. Gyutaro mocked her desperate cry for help as both he and Daki launched a simultaneous attack.

Fueled by rising panic, Pyrrha's heart raced as she resolved to kill both demons.

She charged towards them with dark determination in her eyes, launching a barrage of spear thrusts that stabbed them multiple times.

A mysterious mark formed on her forehead as she unleashed the pinnacle of demon slaying – the Demon Slayer Mark, a power that came at a cost.

Ignoring the potential consequences, Pyrrha focused solely on slaying the demons.

She expertly dodged, slashed, attacked, and blocked their moves. Gyutaro, growing increasingly annoyed, unleashed his most powerful move, the Rotating Circular Slashes: Flying Blood Sickles, catching Pyrrha off guard.

Overpowered, Pyrrha found herself easily overwhelmed by Gyutaro and Daki as they attacked her simultaneously, gaining the upper hand once more.

Just as their attacks were about to land, someone caught Pyrrha and landed on the roof.

Looking up, Pyrrha saw Y/n holding her with both arms. However, something seemed different – he was panting, drooling, with his sclera pure black. Concerned, Pyrrha asked, "Y/n?!! H-Ho-" But before she could finish, she noticed his altered state. "Y/n?.. are.. are you okay?"

Y/n gently placed her down, his intense gaze fixed on Gyutaro and Daki, who were slowly approaching. "Stay back, Pyrrha... it's gonna get dirty here."

As Y/n prepared for the impending battle, Pyrrha couldn't help but feel a mix of worry and curiosity.

She observed his changed demeanor, wondering about the unknown forces at play within him.

The air crackled with tension as they faced the approaching threat, and Pyrrha braced herself for the unpredictable turn of events that awaited them.


Next chapter will be heavily inspired by Jujutsu Kaisen

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