Chapter 9

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*Third-Person POV*

~2 months later...~

A lot of time and a few dates had passed since the lovers had confessed, and soon it was finally the day where their relationship was sealed and Y/n became Queen of The Koopas. 

Y/n sat in Peach's dressing room, Peach doing her hair and makeup in time for the big ceremony that the Mushroom Kingdom had planned. The two sisters were ecstatic for the event, but naturally Y/n had some nerves.

"I don't know Peach..." Y/n muttered quietly as she stood up, preparing her white gown, "I'm just not sure If I'm ready to become a Queen..."

Peach smiled at her with a calm, relaxed expression.

"Y/n, my dear sister," she spoke softly, them both turning to face a big mirror as Y/n held her dress, "You are both deeply in love, and have been for so long. Bowser can help you into this new life, and I trust that he loves you enough to never leave you on your own for anything. You'll do amazingly, and remember that I'll always be here for you,"

Y/n grinned widely.

"Thank you so much... I don't know what I could ever do without you..."

"You're very welcome. Now, let's get this dress on you, the ceremony is gonna start soon..."

Several minutes later, Bowser arrived at the ceremony's venue, stepping up to the front and fiddling with his claws nervously. 

Of course, he'd never gotten so far in this kind of thing before, but here he was, standing in formal wear in front of a crowd of both Toads and Koopas, waiting for the love of his life to come through the castle doors and greet him. Just the thought of it made his heart flutter, and this was enough to almost miss the sight of Y/n arriving down the aisle. She was dressed in a simple white gown and they had their hair up, but this was enough for Bowser's knees to feel weak. He adjusted his suit and turned to face Y/n, who was now in front of him. Kamek, who was an officiant for this event, started the ceremony, and swiftly made their way through it until they reached the final vows. Y/n began with hers, Bowser listening carefully.

'Bowser, my lover, I will always be by your side through thick and thin, through light and darkness, and through rain and sun. I will rule confidently by your side, and will proudly become your Queen.'

Afterwards came Bowser's vows.

'Princess, soon to be Queen, Y/n. My all my heart I will love you, protect you, and share with you everything I have to share. With these words I secure my love, and I hope that you agree with me when I say that you were my firestarter, and you will continue to be until the end.'

The final vows ended, and with a single, sweet kiss, the ceremony was over, and the two of them walked back down the aisle, followed by a serenade of clapping and cheering...

(I'm so sorry this is so horrible and rushed ughhh sorryy. Tysm for reading, and I really hope you all are anticipating the smut chapter coming soon. BUT it might take a while, so sorry in advance. Ty!)

Firestarter (SMBmovie! Bowser x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now