Is he OK?

5 0 3

Gaara's P.O.V.

I look at my house, then at my watch. 4:04. I have some time to kill. Gotta be home by 5, 5:30 at the latest.

I used to be able to stay out till seven but with all the murders, My parents just want to keep me safe.


I look at the park and see a little boy, 7 or 8. He was wearing a brown/grey shirt and brown raggy pants. There was no point in asking where his parents where.

A/N (Let's be Technoblade! JK. He's dead:()

I walked up to him and when he saw me his face morphed into fear and panic. He crutched and look like he was about to run.

"Hey. I'm not going to hurt you." I tried to sooth him. He still looked scared but at least he stayed. He went lower under the slide. I reached a hand under, slowly. He looked at it then put his, shaking hand out. When he put it in mine he slowly got out.

"What's your name?" "M-m-Malson" he crooked. "Well Mason, what are you doing out here?" "I-" before he could finish there was a gunshot. And a few millisecond later, Malson fell forward.

A/N (Do you think Malson is alive?)

Naruto's P.O.V.

I heard a gunshot and instantly thought of the hunters. They were known for hunting vampires and werewolves, which were extinct vampires not so much. I took cover.

I stayed there for a few seconds but then heard voices. "Malson?!" Malson? "Malson, get up. Are-" that voice which sounded like Gaara. Gaara!? Oh shit. Well that voice was cut off by someone else. A girl. From the sound of it, older.

"Your welcome." She said, but then she vanished. "Wait!" Gaara yelled but ist was useless. This was gonna haunt him for the rest of his life, if I let him live that long.

I knew the hunter was gone because her sent was very faint. I slung the backpack I brought with me over my shoulder in front of me, I slowly unzipped it to make the least amount of noise as possible, and pulled out a fox mask.

 I slung the backpack I brought with me over my shoulder in front of me, I slowly unzipped it to make the least amount of noise as possible, and pulled out a fox mask

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I also grabbed a really dark hoodie.

Once I put the items on i followed Gaara. He seemed in shock and confused. He didn't go running to the police, he didn't cry, instead he just walked away.

I followed him and soon it was dark. He turned into an ally. Dumbass. I quickly grabbed my backpack and pulled out my trankilizer gun.

A/N (Good? Bad? Up to you. That mask took me forever to find. Vote if you want to.🖤)

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