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Naruto's P.O.V.

I took the knife out of the kid, watching them slump to the ground. I grabbed his legs and dragged them into the ally. They weighted almost nothing, probably 90 or lower. They were short but fit, such a shame really but people never learn.

I shoved him behind the dumpster, cleaned my knife on his shirt and put it away, admiring my work. I walked out of the ally and looked both directions before continuing forward.

Something cluttered to the ground. My head turned to the sound, a woman had dropped her phone.

I was so jumpy. I need food, real food. I've been starving myself of proper nutrition.

I looked at the woman and rolled my eyes. She would have to do.

Once she picked up her phone she turned her back to me giving me the perfect opening. I went behind her and quickly swung my hand over her mouth dragging her towards my car.

She kicked and tried to scream but I had already opened the door and threw her inside.

Her head hit the metal water bottle and was knocked out.

*At house*

She luckily was still out and slung her over my shoulder, walking into the garage. The door groaned in protest.

I never drank from the source so it was her lucky day. I set her down on a chair and went to go get the I.V.. I wheeled it into the garage on the wheelchair ramp thing.

I slowly injected the needle and put the empty blood bag on the rack.

Once I was confident she wasn't getting up any time soon, I went to check on Gaara. He was going to eat weither he wants to or not.

I opened the door to my house and went to the basement. He probably would've been more comfortable in the attic. Even that place is cleaner that here.

I opened the door will a little stuggle.

Once I entered, I could sense another presence.

"Hey! Who else is here?!"

I wasn't trying to tell but I was hungry. Anyway... I walked cautiously down the stairs. With my enhance seeing, I could see Gaara trying to stand.

He failed, falling on his stomach. Dumbass should have eaten the food instead of kicked it. Wait! The bastard kicked my food!?

Well. I quickly walked over to him. "Hey." I nudged him with my foot softly.

I sighed and went upstairs to get food.

I held the plate of Ritz crackers, cheese, PB&J, and a glass of OJ.

When I stepped down the first few steps, I saw stars, like I was hit or something.

Lee's P.O.V.

I yelled and jumped back as a boy pretty much "spawned" if frond of me. Like he just popped into existence in my face.

He kind of was laying on air for a literal second. I winced as I wasn't fast enough to catch him before he fell on his stomach. He groaned and slowly lifted his head. He had long black hair that hung loose. He had completely white eyes but... he wasn't blind. He had a symbol on his forehead that was teal, kind of like... Gaara's eyes only darker.

I miss Gaara but to boy in front of me was the main attraction right now. I walked toward him and knelt. "W-whats your name?" Why am I so nervous?

His voice was strained and had an accent.

"N-Neji H-Hyūga." Was all he could say before passing out.

A/N (Vote if you want to.🖤)

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