Oh no...

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Neji's P.O.V.

I was horrified. I was scared. I was... sorry. I didn't mean to. H-he scared me. I wasn't prepared.

I paced the room for a little bit. When I looked at him he looked almost... peaceful. But I knew he was anything but that.

'Fuck it.' I walked over to him. I lifted him up bridal style and laid him on him bed. His room wasn't bad, just plain. He probably didn't spend much time in here. The walls were  a weird light green color. The floor was just plain wood with a few spot of... I don't even know.

Before I left the room I glimpsed back. My eyes widened as I watched him whimper.

"Fuck! Lee!" I yelled at him, running towards the bed. I shook him lot but nothing changed.

"Lee! Come on wakeup." I was doing my best to stay calm but failing. I shook him harder.

"Im sorry. Ok, just wake up!" I yelled holding back tears. I squeezed my eyes shut. Almost instantly, I heard a very small, "Help..."

I frantically searched his room for anything that could help him. His room only had a huge book shelf and a drawer on the opposite side of the bed. The book shelf only had like half of its space taken up. So I ran towards the drawer instead. What was inside shocked me most. Inside was one singlar book 'History of Vampires'. I almost left but the only thing keeping me here was the panicking boy on the bed.

I quickly shut the drawer. I was still in shock when I realized that he had stopped and calmed down. I sighed, not knowing what else to do.


His eyes fluttered open. "You found it didn't you?" He asked. His voice wasn't above a whisper. Naturally, I put my hand on the back of my neck, looked away, and tried lying.

"W-what are you talking a-about." Why did I stutter? I never done that before.

"Don't fucking lie to me."

I winced. His voice was laced with venom. "Sorry..." I said dropping my hand staring at the floor.

"No that was my fault. I'm sorry. I was angry but it's fine now. I hope." He slowly got up on my side. I closed my eyes remembering my memory of my hometown.

There was tap on my shoulder. My eyes shot open. I moved back.

"Sorry if I scared you. You were zoning out." He smiled.

"How can you smile after what I did..." I made eye contact for a split second, and quickly looked away.

"I believe everyone deserves a second chance. It was an accident after all!" He said cheerfully. How can you just forgive something like that so easily?

I clutched my stomach as it begged for food. "I'm sorry. I haven't eaten in a little while." I smiled to not looked worried.

"You don't have to lie to me. I can tell your more than a little hungry." He stated walking over to his book shelf. My face dropped at the words.

"W-what'd you mean. I'm just a little hungry. When I leave I'm just get food at a restaurant or something. That was a huge lie. I didn't have American money, I couldn't even eat there food if I wanted to, I was fucking starving.

"Quit lying. I know what you are. No need to lie." He was still looking at the books.

"It doesn't scare you? I mean vampires can be very dangerous when hungry." I shifted around.

"I have no need to be scared." He was dragging his finger across the book spines.

"What are you looking for?" I didn't know what else to say. Got he must hate me.

"Just a book." His face had no emotion what so ever.

"Lee? Are you mad at me?" I asked walking over to him. "No, I'm not. I'm pissed. I want to find my book, I want you out of my house, my head hurts, and I'm tired."

That hurt. He wanted me to stay when I hurt him now he never what's to see me again.

I started walking towards the door.

"Fuck!" Lee yelled. I froze. I smelled blood. I felt my canines grow and my vision brighten. I rested myself on the door. It smelled so good. 'No!' I yelled at myself.

The scent was getting stronger. "Neji? What's wrong?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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