Will I ever get out?

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*Time skip*2 Days*

I don't know how long it's been, probably couple hours.

I woke up and my arm was hurting, like a little, thump-thump Every few seconds. Don't know why, for all the know I just slept on it wrong.

The door rattled then opened. Kurama came down the stairs with something in his hands.


"Thought you might be hungry. I mean if I'm going to torcher you, you have to be healthy or close and conscious."

And here I thought he actually cared.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. Truth was, i was STARVING. I felt something on my wrist. My eyes shot opened to see Kurama untying me. What? "What are you doing?" I said.

"Untying you, dumbass. What's is look like? You need to be able to eat your food."

As soon as the ropes fell, I clutched my wrist band saw they were red with dried blood. I didn't care though.

"Im not hungry."

"It's been 2 days! How are you not?"

2 days?" I said/yelled.

I looked at him in disbelief. "Yes, 2 days." Kurama clarified.

"I'm still not hungry." I insisted.

"Fine. I'll come back in another 2 days, you better have your answer." And he left.

(He left the food.🙃)

*2 days later*

Couple minutes ago, I kicked the food away. Even that used all my strength. I couldn't move, even if I wanted to. My hands were dirty. Kurama mush have switched the candle.

When I looked up, there was a little girl. She looked 5 or 6, with large blond curls.

(Her hair was really curly.)

She wore like an 80s dress, with tap dancing shoes. She was ghostly white. Is this a ghost?

She held out a hand to me. When I lifted my hand, it was light as a feather. It was really white too.

"Who are you?" I asked without actually saying anything.

"Your saviour." She said smiling.

Once I put my hand on hers she yanked me up but not me at the same time. When I was on my feet, i was the same color as her. I looked back at the spot i was sitting and i was laying there. But it wasn't me, was it? I reached down and my hand went though.

"Where are am I?" I asked turning to her.

"Your in the space between life and death."

"So am I dead?" I asked hopefully.

"Do you want to be? It's your time."

"If I still wanted to live, would it even matter? Will i even get out of her?"

"That is up to you."

A/N (Sorry it's so short. Vote if you want to.🖤)

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