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Gaara's P.O.V.

I don't understand. People are getting hurt and after all my attempts, others are still getting hurt or worse. Lee thinks it's just luck but I think he's hiding something. Naruto is always telling me to not wonder at night and I wish I had listened.

I walk into and ally but haven't figured that out yet I guess. I keep my head towards the wet cement. I'm clumsy and bump into a wall.

"Fuck. Took an wrong turn."

I mumble to myself. I turn around and as soon as I do I feel and numbing sting in my leg. When I look down i can't see very well.

My vision blurs.

I try to stay standing but stumble around. I look around and the last thing I see is and man or boy even, standing a few feet in front of me, wearing a bright orange fox like mask, he might have been holding something.

When I woke up, my wrist were instantly in pain. Like a rope was on them.

The room was dark and the only light was a single candle in front of me. I tried to move but my body wouldn't respond. I kept trying but nothing would work. I felt . . . numb.

"Hey! Help me!"

I tried to call but it came out as "He. Hell mu." And it wasn't loud at all. But I think someone heard because I heard something. I looked around for the source but I couldn't see anything.

What I do see was on my right, was a pitch black space. But a little more to the left was a little lighter than the rest.

And what look like stairs.

I listened and heard footsteps. I also probably heard a lock being opened. On the door perhaps?

The door opened and light flooded the room. I was to far to the right for anything to touch me.

Someone was walking down the stairs.

They had on pitch black sweatpants and hoodie, they also whore a mask. A fox mask.

"Who are you?"

I grumbled barely about to stay conscious.

"Kurama." He answered.

His voice was deep like maybe he was 20-25.

"What do you want with me?"

"How's the kid? Malson right? Poor little guy. Your lucky."

"How- how do you now about that?" My voice was quivering.

I felt responsible for what happened to him. I wanted to cry and yell.

(I know darn well Gaara does not acts like this by pretend it does for now.😇)

"You gotta keep better track of your surroundings. I was following you for at least an hour." He chuckled.

He came up to me and in knelt.

"Do you really want to live with that on your conscious? Always thinking that it was your fault.?"

I quickly shook my head. Years were welling up in my eyes.

"Good. Then you should know why your here." He stood up.

The realization hit me harder than a tsunami.

"Th- th- that's n- not what I m- meant." I stuttered.

"I'll make you a deal. You can stay with me, listen to me, and never try to escape of i could torcher you untill you beg me to end you, I'll keep you alive as long as I want,-"

He carefully pronounced each one of the last words.

"- day after day, week after week. Choice is yours." He chuckled and left me sitting to dark.

A/N (whoo. I felt i should have added more humor to Naruto/Kurama but I went with the flow. Vote if you want to🖤) (guess how many words this was not counting these ones)

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