The Way Home

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Gerard, Kirstie, and I talked for an hour or so before Gerard deemed it time to go even though it was a Friday and only 9pm. Gerard helped me move the things from the agency car to his. He took a glimpse at my shirt and did a double take. "How did I not recognize your shirt earlier," he laughed and I looked down. I was wearing my Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge shirt. "I love your taste in music though." He said and winked and I blushed because seriously, Gerard Way just winked at me. "Um, what do I call you now Gerard?" I asked him as we got settled in his car. "You can call me Gerard, Gee, dad, daddy, I don't care. I am your legal guardian now," He smiled at me and then said, "you're beautiful, Madison. Please don't think any different. I know what your parents did to you. I don't like it, that's why I took you in. You deserve someone who cares about you, and I can be that person. I'm willing to get to know you because you're an interesting kid. You look almost like me. You honestly do pass for my daughter. I'm so proud to call you that." He murmured into the thin air. I smiled, and blushed like an idiot by thanking him because he's too sweet, and I tell him that. But he passes it off as being my new father, but I think it's genuine. "So, let's get started on knowing each other." He said and we talked the whole car ride home about each other and we have a lot of things in common. Let me tell you.

We had just unloaded and unpacked everything in my room when my phone rang. It was Kirstie. "Hey Kirstie, what's up?" I asked her with a curious tone in my voice. "Hey babe, just wanted to make sure you're settled in and stuff." She said like she was my actual mother, which I kind of wish she was. "Yeah, Gee and I got home safe. Just got done unpacking my things in my room." I told her reassuringly. "Alright pumpkin. Get some sleep, we'll talk later, okay?" She spoke with a gentle tone in her voice. "Alright, goodnight Kirstie." I spoke back into the phone. "Goodnight pumpkin, I love you beautiful girl." I hear her say and I could almost tell she had a smile itched on her face. "I love you more." I spoke right back with the biggest smile on my face. I hung up, threw my phone on my mattress and got my pajamas on. They consisted of my black sweatpants and my oversized Black Parade pullover. I took my make up off and undid my hair from the bun it was in. I walked to the window seat in my room when Gerard knocked at my door and asked if it was okay to come in. "Yeah, you're all good." I yelled to him from my spot on the other side of the room. "Baby, have you eaten anything today at all?" Dad asked me with an uncertainty that I haven't because he knows how my parents are I'm assuming and he knows my answer already. "No, daddy. I haven't." I say to him and he nods and goes into the kitchen. 45 minted later he comes back upstairs with food. "Dad, you got me pizza?!?" I half yelled half questioned him and he laughed. "Yeah I did, I know you love pizza. I could see it in your eyes." He giggled after a couple words each. "Geez, you're the best! You're seriously winning my heart." I joked with him because he already has it.

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