The One Where Ray Toro Plays Drake Over and Over Again

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|A/N: this continues like literally after the last chapter|

|Maddie's POV|

"Well, hello there Mr. King." I pulled away from my husband, and smiled. Woah, husband, that's gonna take a while to get used to. I smiled at it though, I finally have Austin. Though I'm gonna have to make changes of my last name with the Dean of Students on campus and hopefully he'll let me move in with Austin and we can have like an apartment off campus of something.

"Hey there, Mrs. King. How does it feel to be finally married?" I laughed and shook my head. "It's the greatest feeling in the world." He smiled and picked me up bridal style until we got outside and we headed to the car. Our reception is at the house, there's no other way to celebrate than being at home and comfy.

We got outside and everyone started throwing little fake pearls up in the air. I had gotten stopped by my dads, and I almost cried. They were standing there with the biggest smiles and tears running down their faces.

I pulled them both in for a hug and I started crying. "We're so proud of you." "Our little girl is married now, Frankie." They both said at the same time and laughed. "I'm so glad I didn't disappoint you guys, I was so afraid that if I messed up, I thought that maybe that would mean that you wouldn't want me anymore. Like you would just finally give up on me."

"Baby, nothing you say or do is gonna make us not want you. We love you way too much to let you go, okay? Everyone makes mistakes and we would never disown you just for making them. That's how you learn, sweetheart, and you did. We are so proud."

I nodded my head and hugged them again, a few seconds later, we were on our way back to the house. "We're married, Austin. Holy hell." He laughed and I swear, I swear to god I got fucking butterflies just like I did in middle school.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear, I giggled a little but only 'cause his breath tickled my ear. "I love you to infinity and beyond." I whispered right back and then BAM! instant charming smile. Jesus, if you're listening, help me. Alright, or don't, your call. But seriously, just a little help. "We're here!" Louise shouted and squealed, but I jumped and hit my head because she scared me. "Ow! Lou!" I whined and she giggled as did my husband. "You guys are so mean to me, and to think I married you, Austin!" I exaggerated at the last part as we climbed out of the car and walked to the front door. Everyone else was already here, Lou drove us around long enough for everyone to finish the decorations and shit.

"Now, I give you Mr. And Mrs. Austin King!" I heard my dad announce as we walked through the door. I giggled as I heard the announcement. I grabbed the microphone from my dad and shouted, "Let's get this party started!" Everyone laughed and I walked over to my husband to dance.

"What song have you got picked, baby?" I asked my husband and he said it was a surprise. I let him pick the song for our first dance as husband and wife, I'm kind of scared. "Alright, the groom and bride please step out on to the dance floor for your first dance as husband and wife.

As soon as I heard the piano, I knew it was All I've Ever Needed by Paul McDonald and Nikki Reed. "Why'd you pick this one?" I asked him, knowing fully why he did. "Because, it describes us. 100% describes us." I nodded. We talked until it was over. Murmuring soft "I love you's" to each other.

The song ended, and we pulled away. Uncle Ray throwing on some weird pop song.
After I stopped dancing with Austin, I walked over to Frank. "Hi, daddy." He smiled and I swear I saw a glimpse of tears in his eyes. "Hey beautiful, you should be dancing with that husband of yours not over here talking to me."

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