This Is My Family Now...Um?

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|Maddie's POV|
"Hey, I'm back. Is this better dad?" I could tell he was about to go ballistic. I was wearing my shortest shorts, which were covered in holes, my Misfits muscle tee, the same fishnet tights, and my black high tops again. Except this time, my makeup was done and my hair was done. "I'm going to only say this once, go change your pants. Everything else is okay, except your shorts." He whispered, it looked like he was going to cry. "Killjoy." I murmured and he looked pissed, but he thought it through. "Wait a minute, I have the title for our next album! Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys! You're a genius baby girl!" He shouted and spun me around and I laughed. "Oh well thanks," I flipped my hair and laughed. "I mean I am fabulous myself. So, am I off the hook with my outfit?" Dad laughed, so did Frank and Mikey. I have no clue where Ray and Bob went to be honest. "No, go change your shorts." Frank and Mikey snickered and I death glared them so hard. "Wait, how did you come up with all of that just because I said 'killjoy', dad?" I asked him, puzzled. "Well, I started working on the title a while ago but it just wasn't complete." He started explaining and trailed off. "Okay, so I've been basing the characters already, I just need more information," he was looking like a mad man trying to get all of his ideas together. "I need names. That's it." He looked at me as if I was an idea machine. "Let me see." I gave a 'give me' motion with my hands and he handed over the drawings for the characters. "Okay, first off, some changes should be made. I think this one should have red hair," I looked at dad for confirmation and he gave me the red. "second off, I have the perfect name for this one. Party Poison. It's definitely great for dad because hey, he's like a drug at a party, fun and addicting to the point where you can just fall over dead." I smirked, knowing he would like it. "Gee baby, where did you find her, I need one. But she's so true with the whole basis on the name." Frank whispered, winked at dad, looked back at me with wide eyes and made me feel like I was a true genuine genius. I mean hey, they aren't wrong. "She isn't a robot, you idiot." Gerard laughed, shook the compliment off, and asked more ideas and if anything needed to be changed. "Uncle Frank's character looks like he's a badass motherfucker, who can scare the shit out of you..even if he is a short shit," I looked at the both of them and laughed and Frank glares at me like he's gonna kick my ass. "but he looks like he can make fun by himself so his name shall be Fun Ghoul. It suits you Uncle Frank." I pursed my lips together and nodded. Definitely sure on my decision. "What am I? A people Mcnugget?!? I sound like a toy that would come out of a damn Happy Meal." He shouted unhappily but Mikey, Dad, and I just fucking rolled. "But it's so true we can't even deny it, you're just so short." Dad was seriously about to fall over from laughing so hard and he had to hold onto the counter top for leverage. "Oh my god, okay. Calm down." I tried to say but I fell out of my chair onto the floor and started laughing again. I eventually calmed down and sat back up into my chair again. Dad showed me the picture of Mikey, and I had decided that Mikey needed to dye his hair and cut it and we can name his Kobra Kid because let's face it, Mikey is skinny as fuck. Plus, he's kind of good at karate. I let out a little chuckle at that. "What?" Mikey asked me with a disapproving look, while I just shook my head as if to say 'nothing'. Now all we needed was Ray, I need Ray's consulting if I want to continue. "Where the hell is Ray? What the fuck, Ray!" I shouted through the house, walked towards the game room Dad has. "You fuckers," Frank laughed and shook his head. "playing Halo without me Toro?" "Of course Iero, what were Bob and I supposed to do?" "Maybe come help us and the baby genius-" I kicked him in the ass for that. "Fuck you, Iero." He laughed and ruffled my hair, bent down a bit and said, "You would." He smirked and I blushed and crossed my arms. Luckily, Dad hit him on the arm and said something along the lines of 'Don't you harass my daughter Frank Anthony!'. "Ow! Like I was saying, maybe you could help us and the baby genius consult our next album." I rolled my eyes as he said 'baby genius' again. "Yeah Toro, you and Bryar are still apart of this damn band." Daddy laughed and I noticed something out of my eye. Whenever Frank moves, dad does too. It's like they're magnets, it's more like they're in love. Whenever one moves, one reacts to the other. Just like magnets, when they react to each other. They just click, or in Dad and Frank's case, they fall together. I knew all those videos and stories meant more. I see the way they look at each other. Soon enough, Frank has his arms wrapped around Dad's waist and he's giving him little kisses on his neck. Seriously, that's the cutest thing I've seen since I've been here. Well, it's tied for second. It's competing against dad's bedhead, and the rest of the guys. They don't even realize they're doing it, they're so content. Woah, I need to get them together! Operation: Get Dad and Frank together!

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