A Wedding Ceremony

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|A/N: yo! Sorry it took a longggggg time to update this bitch. It's been kicking my ass. And it's fucking long, appreciate this whore of a chapter. Thank you.|

"Hey daddy, how you holding up?" I answered immediately to his calling. I walked into the room where I was supposed to get ready, today was the day, I am getting married to Austin. "I don't know, baby. Ask your father, he would know." I heard a lot of rustling and then I heard Frank's voice.

"Frank, how's daddy holding up?" "He hasn't stopped crying since we got up this morning. He keeps talking about how his little girl is growing up, and that he's so proud of you." "Aw, tell daddy I love him, but how are you holding up, dad?" "I don't know Princess, it seemed like yesterday, you had just came home and now here you are, 20 and getting married. Baby, are you sure you're ready?" "I'm so ready, dad. I've never been more sure in my life."

"Alright beautiful, I just want what's best for you and so does your dad. Well, he started crying again, gotta go make sure he's getting ready, which you should be too, we'll see you in about 15 okay?" "Okay dad, I love you." "I love you too, Madison Leigh Way."

|20 minutes later, Gerard's POV|
"Daddy, I need your help." Maddie beckoned me over, looking out the door, it looked like she needed her dress laced up with the way she was holding it, trying not to let anyone see. "I'm coming baby doll, just a second." I waved Frank off telling my husband I needed to help our daughter, he told me to go ahead.

I walked into her room and my breath hitched. "Wow, my little girl is all grown up." I was choking on my voice, tears gathered, I had to cover my mouth. "Daddy, please don't cry, we haven't even gotten to the ceremony yet. You're lucky I haven't put any makeup on yet." I giggled a little and she grabbed my hand and walked us in front of the mirror. "But that's the thing, you don't need make up, you never have needed it." I looked down at her and smiled. She had tears in her eyes, it was something about the way the water made them shine. They looked like freshly cut emeralds, she was beautiful.

"Uh, your father and I wrote you something. I was gonna wait until after for us to give it too you, but I think you should read it now." I pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to her. I told her she should read it out loud. "Changes. Someday soon, life will change. You will leave, and we will suffer pain. Someday soon, life will change, and you should know, you're not to blame. Live your life, for each day, because someday you will move away. Hold our hands, and be a little girl, with big green eyes and curls. Life is full of changes, face each one at your bravest. Know we are always here, to hold you close and calm your fears. Love, Daddy and Frank."

She looked up at me, the tears were falling out of both of our eyes, we could have cried the ocean. "Daddy, I love you. I love you and dad so much and I will always be your little girl, always. That will never change, especially because you took me in and you actually wanted too. You are my real parents, I may not have actually came from you, but you stepped up and took the hit. I'll never leave you daddy. I promise." She hugged me tightly and buried her face into the hollow of my neck.

We sat there for a while, just holding each other, and then deemed it time to clean up and get ready. I helped her with lacing up her dress, and her makeup. "You look great. I really like your tie." I laughed because it was just a simple black tie. "You're weird." I said nonchalant and kissed her cheek.

|15 minutes later, Frank's POV|

"Hey, baby, have you seen Maddie?" "Yeah, she's in there still. She's almost ready. Now go, I'll see you out there."Gerard kissed my cheek and walked out next. I heard a voice call out to me, "Dad, it's about to start! C'mon!" I took her arm in mine and our feet started at the same time. "Daddy showed me that poem. I really loved it. You know I'm always going to be your little girl right?" She spoke softly, but loud enough just for me to hear. "Yeah Princess, I know. It's just so hard to give you away, but I know you're in good hands."

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