Operation: Frerard is in action

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|huge time frame: 5 months later|
"Hey, Maddie. There's something I need to tell you." Dad comes into my room with Uncle Frank. They both sit down on my bed and Frank smiles at Gee, whispers something in his ear, and Gerard nods. He's chewing on his nails, then Frank grabs his hands and holds them together. "Go on, Gee baby. You can do this." Frank murmurs in the space between them. "Guys, what's up?" I was mysteriously thinking about 10,000 answers in my head. The first one to pop up was: ding ding ding! You guessed it: Frerard is a thing. But no, that was never the case for the last 5 months but it's happening slowly. "So, you know how I adopted you and all that right?" "Well, obviously daddy. You didn't just do it because you had too." "Don't be sarcastic with me. This is important! Okay, so your last name is officially Way. You are now officially Madison Leigh Way." He smiled at me and I was shocked. The process went through so fast. "B-but it only took 5 months. What?" I drew out the 'what' but I was awfully confused. "It didn't take long because your birth parents had no problem approving everything," he looked sad when he said that and I started to cry. "Gee, Gee she's crying, and I don't think they're good tears. Oh my god what do we do? Should we hug her?" Frank started to panic and I had to giggle a little but I was still upset, did he not want me anymore? "Oh my god Frank, shut up. Hey, hey, calm down. Tell me what's wrong, c'mon Maddie please. What did I do wrong?" He lifted up my chin and wiped the tears that were flooding out of my eyes away, but I just buried my face into my pillow and sobbed even more. "Y-you don't want me anymore." I yelled into the pillow but they couldn't understand me because obviously it was muffled. Frank pulled me up, laid my head into his lap, and stroked my head until I started to calm down. "Y-you do-n't w-want me any-anymore." I whispered and let more tears flow out. "What? How could you say that? Of course I do." Gerard positioned himself to where he was laying beside me face-to-face and he stroked the side of my face, pushing my hair away.

"B-but you looked s-sad wh-when you said tha-t it didn-t ta-ake long to approve." I kept hiccuping and I could hear Frank giggling, so I jabbed his knee with my elbow. I hate my Uncle Frank sometimes to be honest, he is a giant pain in the-"That's only because I don't understand how your parents couldn't have wanted such a beautiful, intelligent, creative, and wonderful little girl. That's all. I love you to the moon and back." I scooted closer to him so I could hug him. I buried my face in his neck and probably soaked the collar on his shirt. "D-dad, there's something I'm n-not telling you about." I lifted my head and whispered and his eyes got bug-eyed and he looked up and Frank.

"What's that, sweetie?" He asked me with uncertainty in his voice. I moved out of his arms and lifted up sweater and moved my shirt up to show him my stomach and sides. I pulled my shirt back down and then, I took my sweater off completely and showed him my wrists and forearms. As soon as I put my arms back down, Frank and Gerard grabbed them again. They took closer looks and started sobbing. They found out most of them are recent...oh joy. "What the hell? What happened, why did you do this? Did someone hurt you to make you do this to yourself? Madison Leigh Way, never again will I catch anymore of these anywhere on your damn body again. Do you understand me? You can't do this to me, you can't do this to Frank or, or Mikey and Ray. Just please promise me you'll stop." Dad finished just as soon as Frank called for Mikey and Ray. "What's going-" Mikey looked down at my wrists and nudged Ray and pointed down. Mikey walked over to me and dragged me to the bathroom, everyone followed.

We walked in front of the mirror, Mikey was right behind me, Dad and Frank on either side of me and Ray on Mikey's left side. "Do you see that girl right there standing in front of this mirror?" Mikey was furious, I could tell but I didn't answer, just looked down because let's face it. Nobody wanted to see such an ugly face. "Madison Leigh Way, look up into that mirror and answer me, right now." Dude, Mikey was fucking scary as shit. I looked up and nodded. "What was that? I can't hear you." "Yes Mikey, Jesus Christ. I fucking see my goddamn self in the mirror. Trust me, it isn't the most prettiest sight in the fucking world. Now, would you let me go so that way I can go and regret what I just told my dad. Thank you very much, have a nice goddamned day." I ripped my arm out if Mikey's grip and walked out of the bathroom. "What the-" I yelled as I was being thrown over Frank Iero's shoulder and back into the bathroom. I was beating on his back, trying so desperately to get away from my family. "Frank! Put me the fuck down." I yelled and screamed, he literally clamped his hand over my mouth and I pouted. He set me on the counter this time, facing them. Gerard couldn't look at me, I'm sure he was disappointed at me. "Gee, you should do something about that mouth of hers. She's only 14 and she's got a sailors mouth on her already." Frank let out a soft laugh and gave Dad a reassuring smile. "What do you want from me?" I was getting pissed, I wanted to know but I had a feeling I already did. "Well, first, we want to know why these are here," Ray emphasized 'these', by showing me my own forearm. "and second, we want to know why you don't think you're beautiful." Frank finished for him, they were all thinking the same thing. Those scheming little bastards. "I don't know why you don't think you are," Dad was still in the corner trying to get it together. "you're so beautiful. You're silly, crazy, energetic, artsy, bright, sassy as fuck I swear to god, you're fucking fabulous, feisty, and baby, the list could go on let me tell you. I'm just so appalled that you don't think that yourself. I wish you would realize it. There is some special talent in those bones of yours. Talk to us okay?" Dad almost cried I swear he almost had me crying so I nodded my head trying to understand why they look at me that way. I'm nothing. "I need to get to bed. It's late." I hopped off the counter and headed to my room.

"Frank, what am I going to do?" Gerard was worried, I could tell and right now, I was trying to make it as easy for him as possible. I never want to see him like this ever again. "I don't know Gee baby, we'll figure it out. I promise you this. We'll truly find a way to help her." With upmost honesty in my voice I spoke, I felt him shaking. He was crying. I turned him around and cuddled him as close as possible. "Gerard, look at me," those eyes were just so upset I could see it, just so much hurt. "I want you to go into that bathroom, put warm water on a rag, come back out here, put it on your forehead and lay down with me." he followed my directions, I didn't want him to get sick. I hugged him and pressed gentle kisses on the side of his face and on his neck. I couldn't deny that I was in love with him, I was so in love with him and I'm sure he knew it because before I knew it, he had kissed me. We were definitely making out within 10 minutes. He was rested in my lap, my hands on his hips, his hands on my face. "Gerard, I love you." I spoke softly but just loud enough for him to hear. He smiled at me and said, "Took you long enough, didn't it?" "Shut up." I grabbed the back of his neck and brought him closer. We didn't sleep that night, didn't have to keep him quiet either, our room was soundproof. Let's just say that one day, Gerard Way is going to be Gerard Iero.

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