Meeting My Uncles part 2. Multiple POV's

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|A/N: POV's are definitely going to be changing as the guys move along life with Madison and how she changes their lives. Especially in this chapter, fair warning.|

After Maddie went to bed last night, I watched Star Wars because hey, who doesn't love Star Wars, and then I went to bed myself since having to get up at the crack of dawn to wake her up and get ready. But, as soon as I laid down, almost two hours later, I had to go wake my daughter up. I looked at the clock. "Holy shit, I stayed up until 7 o'clock in the morning watching Star Wars?" I questioned myself but I mean Star Wars is the shit, so I guess it's okay. But I'm so tireeeddd. Focus Gerard, go wake her up and get ready. Alright, here I go. Wait, coffee, I need coffee first. I walked downstairs to find coffee already made and my band mates, brother, and daughter sitting at the island drinking coffee and talking. "Uh, guys? It's only 9, you aren't supposed to be here until 10 and what time did you get up lovely daughter of mine?" My voice was rough, I needed more sleep. "They came a little early dad, I let them in. You should've seen their reactions. It was the greatest thing on earth," she laughed half-hearted, "but coffee is made, I woke up at 8:30 this morning. You look like you could use a bit more sleep. Go back to bed, we'll be here when you wake up." She looked at me lovingly and smiled, I was going to have the greatest daughter ever.
[time frame: 10:30 am, Maddie's POV]
"Okay, so I was with Gerard last night right and-" I started speaking with a funny story on my tongue but I heard footsteps padding on the tile floor in the kitchen where my Uncle's and I stayed until my dad got back up. "Hi daddy! Did you sleep well? Uncle Frank and I made breakfast. Yours is in the microwave. Fresh coffee was made, so I think you're all set." I got him his breakfast and he made some coffee. He kissed me on the cheek and whispered in my ear, "You, my love, are the greatest." I swear to god he's going to be the death of me someday. I might even die before he does, my father is seriously the sexiest man alive, how could you not. "Dad, stop, I'm not that great." I murmured back, looking down so he couldn't see the smile and blush that grazed my cheeks.
"Hey guys, so how do you like her?" Dad asked my uncle's, they all smiled and started going on and on about me and I just sat there like the idiot I am and blushed. My whole face was flushed red from all of the things they were throwing out like, 'she's beautiful' and 'she has the greatest fucking taste in music!', and that second one was obviously from Uncle Frank. Dad did say we would get along so well. "Alright! Alright! Calm down, she looks like a tomato." Mikey laughed along with the other 4, "Oh well, thanks Uncle Mikey, cause I needed that pointed out too." I punched him in the arm and walked out of the kitchen. "Hey, babe, where are you going?" Frank looked confused because he couldn't tell if I was upset or if I just wanted to do something else. "Oh, I'm just gonna go upstairs really quick, I gotta get dressed and do my makeup." I told him with a smile and walked up the stairs.
|time frame: 11 am, Frank's POV|
"Alright, how are we approaching her with this exactly?" I asked her father because he should know how this works, he's a parent now. He spent like 5 weeks reading this parenting book and it's just so cute how he wants to be a great parent for her. "How we're approaching what?" He raised his eyebrows at me but he knows exactly what I'm talking about. I dragged him into the other room, I hit him on the arm. "When are you going to tell her that she's coming to the studio with us and that you officially changed her last name to Way? Oh, and what about her birthday?" I spoke softly because honestly, I'm the only one he talks to about this stuff. "Oh shit, Frankie! I don't have a present for her yet!" He whisper-shouted and his eyes wide. I never noticed how hazel/green they were. Stop that Frank. "Okay, well ask her what she wants. It's not that hard Gee baby." He gave me the most incredulous look like I lost my mind or something. "She's going to think I forgot!" He yelled and Mikey came into the room and asked what's up, then left right away as soon as Gerard gave him his bitch face. "Stop trying to change the subject Gee baby," I was close to giving up. "You need to tell her, I'll be with you when you do if you want." I was trying to be a lot helpful with this because I know how much she means to Gerard. I was going to say something else but someone walking down the stairs caught my eye. "Holy shit." I whispered.
|Maddie's POV|
"Holy shit." I heard Uncle Frank whisper and I looked over at him with a shocked look in my eyes. "Um, what? Is something wrong?" I was frantically looking at my outfit trying to find something wrong with it. "No, nothing's wrong. You look amazing." Frank said and I could sense something in his eyes that he meant more than what he said. "Look at my baby, there is something completely wrong with that outfit! Madison Leigh Way, go change. Right now." Gerard was being stern right now. All because I was wearing a black tube top with my red leather jacket, my black skirt, fishnet tights, and my black high top converse. "But dad, I look great. Look, Uncle Frank's speechless." I smirked, crossed my arms, jutted my hip out, and Frank blushed. "Frank Anthony Iero, stop ogling my child." Dad said and smacked Uncle Frank upside the head. "Ow, Gee baby, what was that for?" Frank looked shocked, he pouted and rubbed his head. "In case you didn't notice Frank, you're standing there looking at Maddie like she just came out of a Victoria's Secret catalogue." Uncle Mikey laughed and winked, Frank hit him too. I laughed, "Alright, sorry daddy. I'll go change." I told Gerard and trudged back upstairs.
|Frank's POV|
He smiled and shook his head, "God Frank, you're an idiot." He laughed, and walked into the kitchen. I watched his hips swing. Why the hell is he so hot? Jesus Christ, Gerard Way is going to be the death of me.

Maddie WayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora