Chapter 3

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When I was pulled from the water and into the boat, everyone began speaking at once. Everyone apologized for leaving me behind and were expressing their relief that I wasn't dead. I was given a blanket, a drink of water and made to sit down before I knew what was happening. After a few minutes of the clamour, I put my hands over my ears and said loudly and forcefully, "Stop!" Everyone looked at me with shocked expressions as if they'd never heard me speak in a loud voice before. From that moment I decided I was going to be me no matter what anyone thought or said behind my back because of what I was going to tell them. I knew no one would believe me, but I wasn't going to lie.

My friend Patrick's Mom held a finger up and then looked at me, she said slowly and clearly, "We are all very sorry that we didn't realize you had fallen into the water Sweetheart." She rubbed my arm and then said, "How did you keep swimming for that long? It took a long time to get back here."

"I floated for a while when I got tired of swimming. But then Mitch found me." I said earnestly.

"Mitch?" She questioned.

"He's a mermaid." I said and everyone burst out laughing. Then I continued, "Well, a merboy I guess. He made me breathe underwater and took me to visit his cave and let me touch his tail and I told him about Super Circuit and cars and School and everything."

Patrick's friend Sam just burst out laughing and the other Mom on the boat giggled while making the kind of face you do when you think someone's gone completely cuckoo. When Patrick and his Mom looked at each other and then at me with pained expressions, I think they thought I must have swallowed too much saltwater, she said to the Captain, "Let's get back to shore as quickly as possible. He needs a doctor."

I ignored them and looked back behind the boat in the water. I wanted to catch one more glimpse of Mitch again before he disappeared forever. The motor caught and started revving as the Captain engaged the lever and we started to move away. Everyone eyed the back of my head and moved away so they could laugh at me and make rude remarks. But I ignored them. I knew what I had seen and I knew Mitch was real. As we gathered speed, I saw a fast shadow under my side of the boat, swimming along with the boat and peered intently into the water hoping it was my new friend. When we hit top speed, I knew he wouldn't be able to keep up, and so I wasn't surprised when a head bobbed above the surface a little way to the side of our wake and an arm waved at me before disappearing below the surface again. I turned to look at the others but no one had noticed him. I waved just in case he could still see me and then lay down on the soft cushion of the seat and closed my eyes.

When I woke up, we were back at the Marina. Mom was waiting with a worried expression, along with a paramedic with a huge first aid kit and my sister. I guess the Captain had radioed the accident into shore while I was in the water, or asleep. The paramedic and Mom got on the boat when it was tied up and Mom hugged me so hard I had to protest.

"Jeepers Mom, you're squashing me to death."

"Sorry Scotty. I'm just so glad you're OK."

The paramedic looked me over and made me drink some more water.

"Physically he's fine Mrs Hoying. He doesn't appear to be suffering more than mild dehydration, a decent sunburn and some chafed lips. Keep up with the fluids and if he develops any symptoms he's not displaying now take him to your treatment centre or hospital." He said.

Mom nodded and he left. That's when everyone started telling her that I'd seen a mermaid. Embarrassing as having my supposed friends not believe me, it was Mom's quiet and thoughtful look that had me even more worried until she said firmly, "Scott doesn't lie. If he said he saw a mermaid, I believe him."

I smiled thankfully at her and we hugged again. This time I was the one squeezing her tightly. When we got home that night, after telling everyone what happened six, or was it seven times? And she was tucking me in bed, she asked me again, "Was there really a merboy Scott?"

"I thought you believed me." I said frowning.

"I believe you thought you saw a merboy Scott. It doesn't mean that I believe they exist." She smiled ruefully and then kissed me goodnight before turning off the light and leaving the room.

That night I remembered everything I had seen, the cavern, the tiny cuttlefish, the sandy edges of the pool and the boy I now considered my friend. I said to the dark room, "I did see him. He wasn't a figment of my imagination. One day I'll prove it."

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