Chapter 20

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Image by Chrystalsexyass on DeviantART.

While I was watching that menacing shadow swim away and waiting for it to turn and come back, my eyes were darting all over the place, trying to locate Mitch. I was supremely worried when I couldn't see him anywhere, but I was also relieved that he wasn't in immediate danger. I mentally slapped myself for not bringing my diving knife with me. I usually carried one in case I found something interesting underwater. They made excellent tools for prying shells from rocks, digging things from the sand and also in a pinch could be used for what they really were designed for... self-preservation.

Forget the disappearance of Mitch for a second.

When the huge fish turned back and came around for another look I just about wet myself. I kept as still in the water as I could. Using the barest flicks with my hands to turn on the spot, keeping the approaching danger face on I waited to see what it would do.

Suddenly it rushed at me and opened its mouth. I saw that wall of teeth coming at me and frantically kicked to swim out of the way. I managed to get past it the first time but as it swam by I saw its eyes roll back. The alien thing looked even more menacing with its ghostly sightless orbs staring at me as it swam by. I turned again and followed it with my eyes. The next pass it made, I doubted I would successfully avoid it. My heart rose in my throat as I tried to avoid it again.

I looked left and right again, seeking salvation, but found none.

When the shark came back to finish me off I tried to get past it again, but something else happened.

Something incredible.

I saw another grey streak in the water, coming like a bullet, then another and another. The shark was knocked off course by these other creatures and when I saw Mitch racing behind them urging them on I laughed. It was a pod of dolphins. Normally a shark will take on a dolphin and win, but a whole pod... well it was done for.

They beat it away from me, taking it in turns to butt at it with their snouts. Mitch cheered and I swam to him in relief. We watched as the shark was slowly bludgeoned to death, by the end I was beginning to pity the slowly moving thing. Not enough to stop them though. When the dolphins had finished dealing with their prey, they swam to Mitch and he caressed their sides as they fawned all over him, seeking his praise. I moved in closer to him but held back a little way so he could pet all his friends.

When he beckoned me over I came towards him. He grabbed my arm and pulled me in close and I grinned as he let me pet one of the dolphins too. The sleek sides of the mammal were rough to the touch, but when the large male butted against my hands I laughed. It was surreal, still being alive, being there petting a dolphin like a cat and watching Mitch as he laughed along with me.

I was so grateful to be alive, I think I would have done anything in that moment. What I ended up doing was swimming quickly to him and planting my lips on his.

His lips responded under mine, melding and forming to my own. I wrapped him up in my arms and let my legs hang while he supported us with his strong tail. When I felt that he could support both of us with ease, I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him in earnest. My tongue slid against his as I wrapped myself closer and he enthusiastically traded me stroke for stroke with his own quick tongue. His hands pressed against me, rubbing against the small on my back, drawing me in closer to his embrace.

It was heaven.

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