Chapter 30

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"The way I see it, we have two options." I said as Mitch, Rip and Hero gathered around.

"Option one is pretty ill-advised, but we can smash the glass and try to get Triton onto the viewing deck so he can take the elixir and try to grow legs and lungs that breathe air in time.  Then he can walk out with us if he survives the change."  But I shook my head as I spoke and the glum looks on the rest of the boy's faces already made the decision to go with the more difficult and time consuming but potentially better option the obvious choice.

"Option two is possibly more dangerous, but has a better chance of a survivable outcome." At their encouraging nods I continued.  "There's a movable crane in the shark tank room.  If we lift Triton out of this tank and put him in the shark tank. Then transfer him again into the public arena tank... Well from there, it's a simple transfer to the ocean.  It's risky, in that Triton's not going to be able to breathe in between lifts, so we'll have to practice using the equipment before we go ahead.  We need speed and dexterity to get him from one to the other as quickly as possible.  Also, those sharks... are they going to be a problem?"

Triton shook his head and flexed his muscles, making a fist and wrapping the fingers of his other hand around the clenched ones.       

"So do we all know the general idea of what we're going to do?" I asked as they nodded.  "Then let's go get that lift and practice quickly before security or even worse Terry come and check on the King here."

Everyone nodded and we all went to get the lift.  Mitch and I stood at the controls, Mitch watching carefully as I showed him how to use the control panel and get the most speed out of the machine.  Rip and Hero stood at the other end, practicing clipping the stretcher at the end of the lift open and closed and then moving the end out over the water to release their Father when the time came.

They practiced with the machinery for 15 minutes before I decided they were as confident as they were going to get.  Any longer and I was anxious we'd be discovered.

"OK let's get this show on the road." I said forcefully, stepping into the leadership role while the Mermaid Royals were in my domain.  Mitch nodded and then rubbed his hands together before nodding to his brothers.

"Right." He said, and then we led everyone back into the secure aquarium, with me opening the doors to allow Mitch to get the crane through.

Triton looked at us and the crane and nodded enthusiastically.  I gave him the thumbs up and then we got into position.  "Right, lower the crane Mitch.  Boys show your Dad the clips."

Rip and Hero nodded confidently and the sound of the machine working brought everything into sharp focus.  I watched everything run smoothly for the first lift.  Mitch lowered the arm and I watched his brothers show Triton how to slip into the harness and clip himself in.  They would have to get into the aquarium with him if he was unable to manage.  But he seemed to understand what was required immediately and held his thumb up when he was ready for us to lift it over the shark tank.

I held my breath at his point.  I'd guessed Triton would be reasonably confident he would have no problems with the sharks.  They had been in captivity for a long time and were pretty used to humans, but you never knew.

"OK, good." I encouraged as things appeared to be going smoothly.  Triton managed the first lift with ease, holding his breath between tanks.  We watched anxiously as the sharks responded to the new intruder in their tank and began to move in closer to investigate.

"Hurry up Bro." Rip said urgently as Mitch operated the control to move the crane as quickly as possible between the shark tank and the next one. I opened the doors so they could move the apparatus to where it was needed as quickly as possible once Mitch's brothers had unclipped it, so it could hang straight and move through the doors again.  Triton appeared to be getting along with the sharks no problems.  They had swum around him and I found myself smiling almost as they appeared to hover in the water before him for a moment as if bowing deferentially before swimming towards the ocean side of the tank.

"Whew." I said as I blew out the breath I'd been holding.

The brothers got everything ready for the second lift, Mitch was ready on the controls and the boys had re-clipped the stretcher into position once it was through the doors so it was ready to be used again. 

Triton was motioning a 'hurry up' wave through the glass as we got quickly into position again.  I didn't understand the urgency until I felt vibrations coming from the front of the building and I understood why he was trying to make us hurry. 

We were no longer alone.

"Shit, I think Security or Terry might be here." I said urgently as we rushed to complete the second lift.  My urgency translated to fear and the sharks began swimming faster as we lifted Triton out.  Mitch was ready with the controls immediately and his brothers got Triton's stretcher out and over the second tank smoothly.  It was just as well, because I could see Triton was finding it harder holding his breath due to the added stress.

Lights in the other room turned on and we all collectively turned to see who was approaching.  It was Terry.

"Hide." I said and they disappeared as my old boss opened the door and frowned at seeing me.

"Scott?" She said with disbelief.  "What are you doing here?"

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