Chapter 9

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It was a week later and I still didn't have an answer for Darcy. To be honest I'd been avoiding her because I really didn't know what to tell her. The day of the kiss I'd disappeared into the bathroom and waited until the bell, so she'd been gone when I re-emerged. I totally freaked out in there, walking back and forwards with a totally stressed out expression on my face. Her question running around in my head again and again. 'Did I like it?' To be honest I pretty much felt indifferent about it. It wasn't awful, it wasn't really wonderful either. My thoughts kept cutting back to those times when a certain someone with gorgeous blue and green scales, and chocolate brown eyes had kissed me to allow me to breathe underwater.

Every time that had happened, I'd felt like... tingles. Like I was riding a roller coaster and the ride had reached the top of that first rise and was about to tip over the edge. You know that feeling like something really exciting was about to happen, but it was slightly terrifying at the same time.

All I could think about were the smiles he flashed at me. The image of his tail as it disappeared towards the bottom of the ocean floor and I had to struggle to chase it and him, to follow wherever he led me. "Mitch" I breathed and closed my eyes imagining those soft, rosy, pouty lips kissing me again. Oh, no. What the hell? If I didn't like Darcy's kiss and I liked Mitch's kiss, did that mean I liked boys? Was I bisexual? Was I asexual? What were the other ones? Demi? Queer? Who the heck knows anymore? Do I need to do anything about it? Do I have to come out? Even if I did, what would I come out as? Did I even know?


"Hoying, stop right there." A very cross and distinctly feminine voice said behind me as I snuck down the hall towards Anatomy.

"Eep!" I squeaked and turned hurriedly. I blushed as Darcy stood in front of me, hands on hips and looked crossly at me. She opened her mouth to say something and I cut in.

"I don't know."

"You don't know what?" She queried.

"I don't know if I liked you kissing me. I don't know if I like girls. I don't know what's going on in my head. I don't know if I like boys. I don't know if I'm even attracted to anyone. I just don't know."

"You've been thinking about that this whole time?" She asked with a frown.

"Yes." I admitted.

"You've been avoiding me for a week, not talking to me, not taking my texts, not sitting with me in class because you've been contemplating your sexual orientation and wondering if you're straight or not?" She asked.

I ducked my head and the flush rose higher up my cheeks.

"Scott." She said kindly with a resigned expression. "Whatever you are, I'll be here for you. Even if you're not interested in me the way I want you to be. I love you like a brother first. You're my best friend and I'm going to be here for you whatever you discover about that side of things, Hun." She reached out and touched my arm.

I didn't hesitate, I pulled her in for a hug and we got wolf whistled at by a faceless student who passed by at that very moment. Just for the embrace part, not for any of the confrontation or conversation, whichever way you want to describe it. For that I was grateful at the time, because I needed the space to figure out what I wanted or didn't want. Did I want to try again with Darcy? I suppose so. Maybe another girl? Hadn't seen any guys I wanted to try it with, but maybe I hadn't been drunk enough. Or even thinking about it enough.

"Will you really be my 'Wing Woman' while I work this stuff out?" I asked her.

"Come one Stretch. What a silly question. Of course I'll be there for you. Any chance to get those lips locked on mine again!" She teased.

I laughed with her, but the only lips I was thinking about at that moment were attached to a certain merboy I wanted to revisit the last 'breathing' assistance with.

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