Chapter 12

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I swam into the cavern to see my Father perfectly still in the water, floating with his hands behind his back, staring at the wall.  I cleared my throat behind him and waited for him to turn and face me.  He smiled as he saw me and held out his arm for me to swim under.  I grinned and quickly swam up to him, wrapping my arm around his waist as he embraced me and cuddled me close. 

He asked, "What mischief have you been up to today Mitchie?"

"Nothing to speak of." I said with a grin and he chuckled.

"I seriously doubt that my boy.  But today isn't for negatives.  Today is for celebration, you have reached maturity Son." He said then showed me the small bottle that he usually kept on a seashell chain around his neck.  'I know you've seen me wearing this every day of your life Son.  Do you know what it is?" He asked.

"No, I've wondered of course.  Is today the day I find out?" I asked hopefully.

Dad nodded and gave me a slightly bigger bottle on my own chain.  It was made of blue glass and reminded me of the colour of Scott's eyes.  "What is it?" I asked.

"Legs." He replied.

My eyes widened as a million questions raced around my brain.  The first one that I gave voice to was, "Legs?  Real legs like humans?"

"Yes.  It is your time to see what the humans are really like.  To decide if you are to remain on land or return to the sea." He said with a half-sad smile as if he already knew my choice.

"What?" I said shocked at the choice I was being given.  "Did Rip, Hero and the others have this choice too?" I asked suddenly.

"Yes my Son." Father nodded.  "You are the last of my children to be given this opportunity.  And the one I least expect to return." He said with a sigh.  "I know of your affection for the human Scott.  I know you are the most eager of my children to experience the human world and with you I have delayed until you were almost past the age of decision.  I don't want to lose you son.  But your mother forced my hand."

"I don't understand Father.  What do you mean 'age of decision' what choice do I have in how long I go or how long I remain?" I asked with excitement bubbling at the thought of actually standing on the beach and walking, feeling the sand underneath my... feet.

"All merfolk are given the chance to walk on the land.  To discover what humans are really like and to decide if they wish to remain in the realm of man and work to make the oceans safer for merfolk or return to the ocean and live free under the surface." He said solemnly.

"How many have stayed?" I asked curiously.

"There are more than 20 that I know of personally still on land, working in the fields of Marine Biology, Natural Resource Management and Environmental Protection.  They are mostly concerned with our Ocean.  But there are still others who have taken different paths.  Every person has their own choice to make.  Our... your mother's and my hope is that you return.  She will miss you terribly Son."

"I-I'll miss her too, and you and my siblings." I assured him and squeezed him extra tightly around the waist before swimming to the cavern wall and touching it.  Could I give up the ocean forever?  Would Scott even remember me?  Would I be able to make my way in the world of humans?  I didn't know but I was desperate to experience everything that I could.  I turned and accepted the chain, putting it around my neck.

"You must drink it close to shore when your legs will appear.  Close enough that you can walk out of the water and breathe the air with your lungs.  It will take a moment to get used to, dizziness is normal, but you will adjust quickly.  You will need to take that with you."  He pointed to a pouch that was wrapped in sealskin.  "It contains human identification, clothing and food.  Also directions to your cousin who will help you to decide your path."

"Fizz is on shore?" I asked guessing which cousin he meant.

"Yes," He said nodding.  "You will be able to reach him quickly and he will be able to help you from there.  You have a relatively short time to make your decision Son.  I hope you come back to us.  But if your choice is to remain then let us know and we will come and bid you farewell."

"I love you Dad." I said and swam close once more to take another hug before grabbing the pouch and swimming for shore.  Everything else disappeared from my thoughts, the only thing that filled my head was Scott and the chance to be with him.  Was it too late? 

I hoped not.

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